
When I Attempt to Write Short Pieces – Part III

This is my third attempt at writing short pieces. They were composed between December 18 to 19 this year. The bulk of this work was written before my visit to PS.Cafe. Some were added and others were edited after the visit. This post is dedicated to those who are brave enough to embark on a challenging love journey for it is an experience of a lifetime.

PS. There is a part one and a part two.

Time doesn’t heal
It is what you do over time that may
Healing is not a guaranteed process
Scar may run deep, death may come

Time isn’t a safety net
Story may unfold in the least expected way
Let the universe does her thing
Indulge in this very moment that comes”

“05:34am Metaphorically Speaking” by Wilfrid Wong

I have spoken all that I have
I have done all that I can
All we need is for you to take one step forward
And meet me halfway”

“Please” by Wilfrid Wong

Time is like a pendulum
It swings from one end to another
Time is like a second hand
The end of the cycle is the start of another

But I don’t want either when I’m with you
For I want to freeze those moments
When our hearts and souls become one”

“One” by Wilfrid Wong

Who am I to judge when I am not perfect
Who are you to judge when you don’t know me”

“Listen without Prejudice” by Wilfrid Wong

The norms are for the society
To effectively manage the vast average
You are not an average
Why be confined by the norms?”

“The Norms” by Wilfrid Wong

It is my wish
That you continue to have control
But allow me to work within
Your frame and boundaries

I do not wish to change you
And you shall continue to be
True to your heart
But know that I too to mine
For I can’t deny what my heart desires”

“Wishes” by Wilfrid Wong

You take the same route to work every morning
The same route back home every evening
Wouldn’t it nice
To take a detour every so often
See the road less traveled
Have a little adventure
Explore as kids do
Put those routine thoughts aside
Enjoy the moment
Experience the unexpected
Because this moment you own
Is now”

“Would It Be Nice?” by Wilfrid Wong

The roses in my garden
Bud, blossom, wither
The cycle repeats itself
That’s how I feel
In between the days I see you”

“My Roses” by Wilfrid Wong

Age is catching up on me
There are things I cannot do
But one promise I can make
You will always be in my heart”

“If You Allow” by Wilfrid Wong

Had Romeo not taken the poison
Misjudging that Juliet was dead
My favorite play would have had a happy ending
But then again
We would not have come to know
How intense their love was for each other”

“R & J” by Wilfrid Wong

I went into a deep sleep
There was no dream to remind me
What my mind has gone through

All I remember is
This overwhelming sense of happiness
So, thank you”

“Gamsahabnida” by Wilfrid Wong

Time does not heal
Kisses do”


When I Attempt to Write Short Pieces – Part II

Previously, I have attempted to write short pieces (and there is a part three). And they are rather well received. So I am attempting to have a second round, with ten additional pieces. Enjoy.

PS. I would like to dedicate this post to those who share their stories and inspire me to write.

Today I am done running
I shall face my witness, my judge, and my executioner
I shall accept, come what may

Today you are my witness, my judge, and my executioner”

“Come What May” by Wilfrid Wong

What does falling in love feel like?
It is that sense of insecurity and reassurance, of anxiety and peace, of irrationality and determination, and of sorrow and joy

If you experience all of the above, hold onto it, treasure those feelings

That is the most beautiful thing you have ever experienced in life”

“Love is a Rollercoaster” By Wilfrid Wong

At times you are passionate
Other times you seem cold and distance
I am a slower learner
Given time I can read you better
And finish up this manual of you
Please be patience
That is all that I am asking”

“How To” by Wilfrid Wong

There are words that I shouldn’t have said
But I said it recklessly anyway
There are words that you shouldn’t have said
But I took it quietly anyway”

“Words” by Wilfrid Wong

Life can be full of surprises
Some you like
Others you don’t
You can’t pick what you like and what you don’t
But with an open heart, an open mind, and open arms
You can welcome life for what it bestows upon you
Be surprised”

“Surprises” by Wilfrid Wong

I have learned that each day I shall fight for what matters most
I have learned that life can be as unpredictable as the weather
I have learned to follow my heart and my passion
I have learned that I shall not take people and things for granted

To fight and to earn for what matters most
And never take that for granted”

“No, I Won’t” by Wilfrid Wong

The anticipation is killing me
The tens and hundreds of different scenarios
I hope at least one of these scenarios will lead to a happy ending
That is all that I am asking for”

“21:40” by Wilfrid Wong

Fate is catching up with me
I reach out but all I see is dark space
I would hold onto even a faint ray of light and hope
Having said that
I would accept
Or would I?”

“Acceptance” by Wilfrid Wong

Holding hands
Sharing moments together
Love is a feeling and can only be made tangible with a physical connection”

“Getting Physical” by Wilfrid Wong

Life is beautiful
Having friends who care for you is beautiful
Having someone who loves you as much as you do is beautiful

Passion is beautiful
Having something you do that you care is beautiful
Having a reciprocated passion is beautiful

But alas, beauty can be fragile and as short-lived as a butterfly
When you spot beauty, admire but not contain
Let beauty has her freedom
Live one day at a time”

“Beautiful Butterfly” by Wilfrid

When I Attempt to Write Short Pieces

Recently I read a book written by r.h. Sin. It is a book full of short pieces (poems?) and is a perfect book for the broken-hearted. I am so inspired that I want to try out writing short pieces (can’t call mine poems as yet, can I?). Here we go. Eight pieces in total.

PS. There is a part two and a part three.

If you love someone
Let her know today
Don’t wait
For tomorrow is not a given

If she upsets you
Forgive her today
Don’t wait
For tomorrow may not come

If you are happy or sad today
Remember every detail
Don’t waste the only opportunity you have

“Today” by Wilfrid Wong

Commit all that you see
Commit all that you feel
Commit all that you experience
Commit all that you love … to memory

For we come to today with nothing
And we will leave today taking nothing … but memory

“Memory” by Wilfrid Wong

Do you feel the obsession?
Are you addicted to that one feeling that you can’t live without?

Because you are alive

Live it

“Feeling Alive” by Wilfrid Wong

When I listened to you
I did not judge
But when it was your turn
You did not live up to my expectation

“Expectation” by Wilfrid Wong

What is that one thing that you can live with and live without?
When you find it
My congratulations
You have found love

“With or Without You” by Wilfrid Wong

Every second presents a thousand a million possibilities
You could sit back and observe
Or you could start to take action
In the end there is no right or wrong path
It is that one step you have decided to take
That leads to another set of thousands and millions of possibilities

“The Universe” by Wilfrid Wong

My body you have
My heart you own
My soul you possess
I am truly yours

“Body, Heart & Soul” by Wilfrid Wong

I listen to the Korean OST playlist
I feel the peace and the serenity within me
I remember each moment
The storytelling and the afterward

I feel as though I could go back in time
Like many of the Korean dramas
To relive each moment
I am the storyteller and you are my only audience

“22:54pm” by Wilfrid Wong
Diary From the Attic

A Melancholic Departure

Today was Thursday.  The second last day of IBSS.  Basically I feel like the last day because it will just be a wrap up tomorrow (plus only half day).  At this very moment, I feel void.  The feeling of missing is immense.  I mean after tomorrow, I will not (probably) be seeing those guys again.  Kind of a very funny feeling.  IBSS is just too short.  One week is just enough to know somebody but not enough to know them in depth.  Seriously I really want to know them a lot better.

Just stepped out the room this morning, we bumped into Autumn.  What an awesome way to start the day.  Can’t really say I like her perfume at all (still Sophie’s one is the best), but she is very pleasant.  Or maybe just her name.

It took the team four hours to realise that their design was no good.  I must learn how to convince people to accept my design.  More clear and more explanations.

But in the end, it was fun.  Although we stayed until 10 pm, I guess ours will be one of the best.  A lot of laughter.  That makes me wonder when was the last time I really laugh happily.  Lots of hard work but I think I have learnt a great deal in the end.

Made my baggage tags today and couldn’t believe that I have to pay $2.00 for each one of them.

“Sun comes up, sun goes down.  Just when we start to get warm, the moon comes up.
People come, people go . Just when we begin to know each other, we have to part.

A different day, a different phase of life.  What can you say, when you don’t have a choice?”