Diary From the Attic

Take in One to Forget One

Another day of Minesweeper.  What to do?  We weren’t sure if we are going to continue the Jakarta project but today, it seems to work out slowly.  One thing about AC is that you will never know what happen next.

Had a quick lunch in McDonald’s and I guess CC was very happy about as she has been proposing going McDonald’s in the past one week.

We had a drink with one of the VP from BUN.  I drank quite a lot (free).  Three beers and a Martini double. And I am still fine.  We joke that CC has become my wife and so on.  I think I better stop myself thinking about her.  Who is JP by the way?  I have totally forgotten the whole business.  I guess Grace is right in saying that there are a lot of ‘fish’ out there.

Diary From the Attic

High Fidelity, A Bloody Good Book

Finished the book “High Fidelity” last night.  Bloody good book and I love it so dearly.  I didn’t expect a kind of happy ending but it is just there.  Great book and definitely very addictive.  Will wait for his next book.

What’s work today?  A meeting talking about IBC (I was the main ‘speaker’) and the whole afternoon playing minesweeper.  CC is an expert on minesweeper.  Can even create a record of 190 sec on the expert level!  The more I look at her, the more I find her very similar to JP. Just a smaller version.  More Hong Kong like.  Interesting, very interesting.

To be or not to be?  Out of the question!  Ha.

Rumors that we will be moving out of Jakarta soon as there are too many modifications to the system.  Doug seems to be very ‘concerned’.

We four went and ate at Pizza Hut.  We had a fun time.