
One Crazy Week

I listened to the acoustic recording of the quake captured from the deep ocean with goose bumps all over my body.  I suppose I could imagine the terror induced had I come face to face with such force of nature.  The 2011 Japanese earthquake had lasted for 2 minutes.  That has triggered a series of aftershocks, a tsunami, a potential nuclear meltdown, and an impact to the global economy.  For the past one week, I have been glued to the news from the Internet feeling deeply saddened.  That puzzled me a bit because I do not usually feel that attached to the disasters worldwide.  Maybe deep inside, I admire the Japanese people and culture more than I think I do.

This week has been a crazy week.  My mother in Hong Kong was hospitalized for a minor operation and how I wish I was there with her.  One colleague of mine’s grandfather has passed away and I said to her, “Go home and spend time with your family.  Don’t worry about that minute of meeting”.  I suppose falling back into routines helps one to return to normalcy.  And normalcy helps one to momentarily forget the pain.  I did not have the heart to grant her that wish.  There were two major deliverables this week and in the mist of all these chaos, one of my colleagues has lost his sanity – figuratively speaking – because he thinks that he will be asked to leave the company soon.  So I said to him, “Keep your head down and continue to be productive”.  I suppose different people handles stress in a different way.  Constantly having to deal with his momentary lapse of sanity seems to have worn me out a bit.  And hence, summing all up, it has been a shockingly depressing and incredibly busy week.

I have a different approach when it comes to work, compares to some of the colleagues around me.  I believe that knowledge and experience should be shared.  Because together, we can do so much more.  Don’t you worry that one day your job will be taken away from you, some have asked in the past.  I would be in deep trouble if my job is hanging onto what I know today.  In contrary, I would be happy if more and more people can do what I am doing.  That way, I can move onto other things in life and create new knowledge, create new experience.  I think there is enough food to share around (again, figuratively).  Even when the time is bad, deep inside, we are hunters.  We will be able to find something else to eat, somewhere, somehow.

Last Sunday I took Cynthia to the IT Show.  I would imagine that must have been a terrifying experience for her.  The gigantic exhibition hall was filled with people.  Mostly men talking in some geek languages, ogling at products that meant nothing to her.  I am a seasoned IT Show visitor.  IT Show is not a time and place for shopping.  When I visit an IT Show, I know exactly what I want to get.  At the exhibition, I checked where the Creative’s booth was located and under my supreme leadership, we zoomed straight into the location that mattered: Creative’s cashier.  I took a look at the pamphlet.  Yes, the World of Warcraft headset was on sales.  Big discount.  So I ordered three headsets there and then.  The man who manned the cashier was surprised at my efficiency and determination.  I went in as fast as I went out.  Cynthia was shocked.

Today is unlike the previous days, my working day has ended with a sunny blue sky.  Finger crossed, I am hoping for a better week next week.  My world and the world I am living in.

For the Geeks

Beyond Saving My Life And Into The World Of ReadyNAS!

My New Netgear ReadyNAS!

I had a vision, last Sunday.  As I was inching my way, through a huge crowd of people, inside the air-conditioned subterranean shopping mall, that connects where the IT Show was held, to where I parked my car, I saw grey sky and the heavy rain, through the huge glass windows.  Travelling at point zero zero zero zero one kilometer per hour, smelling the humidity of sweat and rain, at one vintage point, on top of an escalator, four meters above the crowd, I saw faces.  Lots of faces.  So many faces looking at my direction.  At that point, I had a vision.  I want to be a rock star.  And these are my audience, with the faces of anticipation.  My friends and I were looking at each other, shook our heads and said: They have no idea what they are getting themselves into.

But such is the price of attending an IT Show.  I have not seen that many people in our convention and exhibition center.  Not even for the Motor Show when there are usually a lot of hot babes inside.  I got scared coming down by escalators.  What if there was a – touch wood – piled up at the bottom?  Sardine heading into the cans like the non-stop production line.  Where is that bloody emergency stop button?  None.

Sunday morning, I woke up relatively early, wanted to pay Azeroth a visit.  Bam!  My hard disk crashed.  It crashed on the last day of IT Show.  Panic!  I called my friends at the last minute to see who could accompany me.  Phew!  Those Maxtor hot backup devices do save my life as advertised.  My data is all saved.  I wish Bill Gate has the brain size of Steve Jobs and gave us PC users a Time Machine, like Apple has.  Time to replace my crashed 500GB hard disk and reinstall the Operating System.  Fun time.


Maybe this is a sign.  Maybe I shall go beyond saving my life.  I need my own home network storage, with an industrial standard that I can pull out or jam in any hard disk any time and all my data will still be intact.  Happy for me, TK and my photography buddy Mat could make it.  Time for shopping!

Except, it was not too much of a shopping with them.  They knew exactly what they wanted, they knew the strike price, and they just needed to find the exact location of the booth, buy the item, and go.  I had no idea what to buy, exactly.  Exactly!  I had a concept, like most things in my life, that’s all.  Yes, Mat has used Netgear ReadyNAS NV+ for years and he loves it.  TK is going to get the little brother version and he said: Since you have tons of CDs like me, you will need a Squeezebox and this.  OK sold.  If I am stuck don’t know how to use that device, I have some numbers to call.

Wait … what the heck is a Squeezebox?!

Imagine this: all my 800 CDs can now be digitalized, in the free lossless audio codex (a.k.a. flac) format, ready to be streamed into a Squeezebox (?!), that connects directly to my Hi-fi.  Any song from my CD collection available with a touch of a remote control.  Hi-fi sound quality.  My new toy (as seen in picture above) can hold up to 4 hard disks.  Right now, I have installed three 1TB Western Digital green power hard disks.  With the data redundancy built-in function, I have a total of 1.8TB of space accessible from within my home network.  Gadgets these days are going green.  So is the new D-Link switch I’ve bought that day.

I could have bought two of the latest version of Nikon 50mm with the money that I’ve spent.  Oh well, there is a price to pay for the world of ReadyNAS.  TK and Mat told me that I could do a lot more with that.  We shall see.