Diary From the Attic

Of Bus Trip and Lunch Break

Today was a very interesting day.  As usual, walked out of my place at 07:20.  Saw the bus 82 and ran for it.  Got it and it was not air-conditioned.  Did not get my favorite seat (the one facing backwards) but managed to get a seat at the beginning of the trip.  Got a little bit of sleep until the one sat next to me needed to get out.  Began to read the novel “The Runaway Jury”.

Arrived at the office area at 08:20 and had a nice breakfast (2 buns and a soya bean drink).  Walked into office at 08:30.  Wanted to go to see doctor (my running nose) but ended up chatting with Ginger, who just came back from her 2 weeks Hawaii holiday (with her sister, I think).  Morning just passed by.

Now is the fun begins.  Had a lunch appointment with Francis.  Because he needed to send his brand new notebook for repair at Concord Hotel Shopping Center.  So I accompanied him.  Had a very nice lunch, returned at the office at 3:00 pm.  BCM was waiting for me so we went to Sim Lim Center for an hour, shopping for Fireball 3.2G Hard Disk and my 2 Jaz Cartridge.

I have never felt so relax. Derek joined the firm today and had a few chat with him.

At night, just when I was about to go home, I met up with Shawn and Daphne.  Had a very long conversation at Bugis Junction (supper, of course).  Our topic was mainly on love relationship.  Daphne never had love before.  Shawn broke up with his girlfriend last year.  So we are a good mix.  Shawn thought he was the coolest guy in the whole world.  Ha Ha Ha.  We did talk about a lot of things.  Ranging from “Harry Met Sally” to outdoor activity.  It was a great fun.

I think I have improved on the skill of dentist floss.  I can now “floss“ 3 quarters of my teeth.  Hooray!

Diary From the Attic

Of Daylight and Shopping

Yet another show.  This time was with Annie as well.  Bugis Junction.  The show was “Daylight”.  Although BCM has already set a high expectation, I still found it very good.  It was definitely better than the preview clips.

And I have done quite a fair bit of shopping.  JP bought me an expensive tie and I bought myself another one.  And being very bored with the belt that I have been wearing for more than 6 years, I need a new one.  So I bought a Valentino.  I know, I know.  It was quite painfully expensive.

Then I was wandering in Tower Record and could not find any CD that was appetizing.