Music Reviews Pop Rock & Alternative

Gwen, You Go Girl!

I have been a huge, huge No Doubt fan. Having been to their wild, wild concert at Paris, I will just buy anything that has Gwen Stefani’s voice in it. I am so totally into Gwen and her band. And so I did, bought the album without even listenning to any tracks.

And I don’t regret a single bit.

It is a dance album. From start to end. It is the uniqueness of this album that starts out from the rest of the dance album. First it is Gwen’s voice – very pleasant and beautiful and you can just listen to every words. That is great! Really. Then, it is the collabration with many talented people in the music industry such as Dr. Dre, The Neptunes, Andre 3000, and many others. Finally it is the wierd reference to Harajuku Girl and give a twist to the whole thing.

I love the album. Each and every song. You guys should check it out too.

Music Reviews Pop Rock & Alternative

PJ Harvey’s Uh Huh Her

Whenever I am lost in my songwriting world, I always find my anchor through some of my favourite artists. PJ Harvey is one of them. My favourite PJ Harvey album? To Bring You My Love. Though I have to confess that I do like Stories From The Cities, Stories From The Sea a lot.

Uh Huh Her is raw, is mean and I just love it. Nothing commercial and I just immerse in all the songs in the album. At times, the songs remind me of demo songs. Like some of the songs, there is only one guitar with considerable amount of noise in the background. Then, it comes PJ Harvey’s beautiful voice and the strong lyrics. I do like The Slow Drug a lot. Lyrics below.

By the way, another one of my favourite song is Who The F**k. But I can’t publish the lyric, can I?

Blue now is the colour
Love the drug I’m needing
Got to keep this feeling

With the headlights burning
We’re looking up for something
Answers on the ceiling

Watching out the windows
Watch the way the wind blows
Soon it will be morning

Still the question lingers
I twist it round my fingers
Could you be my calling?

See this winged boy falling
Falling out of something
Hits the drug I’m needing

Arrows that he’s turning
Need to keep this feeling
Slow drug in the morning

With the headlights burning
Looking up for something
Something that we’re needing

Still the question lingers
I twist it round my fingers
Could you be my calling

Music Reviews Pop Rock & Alternative

Tears For Fears – Everyone Loves A Happy Ending

… and I love a happy ending too. Although I was cautioned on what the reunification of Orzabal and Smith would be. First thing first, I was so over the fact that they have split up 15 years ago. I think Roland Orzabal survived and I do admire his effort in doing everything on his own.

After all, how can they ever beat the wonderful songs from their past such as “Sowing The Seeds Of Love” and “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”?

Tears For Fears’s new album “Everybody Loves A Happy Ending” definitely lived up to my expectation. In fact, I would (and I have) bought any Tears For Fears new album without knowing what’s inside even if it is 50% more expensive because it is an imported item.

The entire album reminds me what Tears For Fears are capable of making. I have to confess that I did not love the entire album at first listen. Nor did I love their Greatest Hits 82-92 at first listen. I had difficulties in understand why my ex-girlfriend loved the song “Woman In Chains” so much.

With Curt Smith’s new vocal addition, it certainly adds a new dimension to the music. I just love it the more I listen to it.

So, what’s the verdict? I am happy to own yet another one of their CDs. My favourite song? “The Quiet Ones”. Personally, I think it is as good as “Sowing The Seends Of Love”.

Music Reviews Pop Rock & Alternative

No Doubt’s Everything In Time

I have been a huge, huge No Doubt fan. Having been to their wild, wild concert at Paris, I will just buy anything that has Gwen Stefani’s voice in it. I am so totally into Gwen and her band. And so I did, bought the album without even listenning to any tracks.

Back in the year 95/96 while I was working alone in Paris, No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom was definitely what I have been playing all the time. Till today, I can still remember vividly listening to Tragic Kingdom while I was on the Metro (underground), while I was walking in La Defence (the area where I stayed and worked), and many other moments.

If I was to be asked to live in an island for a long while and only allow to bring in 20 CDs (oh please, 10 is too little), Tragic Kingdom would be one of them.

This new album, Everything In Time, is actually a collection of B-Sides, Rarities, and Remixes. Now, what the different between B-Sides and Rarities is really beyond me (B-Side is rare, no?). The B-Sides songs remind me of their Tradgic Kingdom that I still love today. The rarities are pretty good too. The Remixes on the other hands sound a bit too intense. Anyway, check the album out.