Foreign Movie Reviews

A Very Long Engagement – A Show Worth Watching

Yet another film played by the famous French actress Audrey Tautou. I have heard mixed reviews on this very long show (134 minutes). Although reviewers from Singapore’s newspaper gave this show a 4-star, who take their opinions seriously anyway?

A show about a girl, Mathilde, who went into great length in investigating her fiance Manech’s whereabouts. Manech has gone missing during a World War I episode. In doing so, she has uncovered the stories of couple of others that intertwined with Manech’s. Is this a romantic show? I guess it is more than a mystery genre to me. Did I enjoy it? Personally, very much so. And by the way, Jodie Foster was playing in the show speaking French. Came as a surprise to me.

Foreign Movie Reviews

French Film Must-Watch – A Ton Image

A Ton Image can be – from my distant memory – translated to “Splitting Image”. It is a movie about a sterile wife and her obstetrician husband going in great length in having a child of their own. Against his belief and without telling his wife, he has cloned his wife as their daughter.

I have not watched any movie that addresses the reality of cloning as good as this one … more.

The possibility that the clone is connected as the original one like the way twins are connected to each other, the possibility that the clone shared some part of the original one’s memory, and the possibility that the clone is, just a clone, a replica that defies God’s will … all these possibilities that are addressed by the film in about 90 minutes.

And the for for cloning? Elimination of gene inequality. Think about it. There may be an element of truth here. Think about all future generation are born free of defects; all look beautiful and attractive; all are smart. Imagine how human species can push the frontier of science and technology and art alike.

Imagine the possiblities … rather than getting so hung up on the religious and ethic issues.

Imagine the unimaginable …