Diary From the Attic

So I Pissed Off the Whole World

Today I ended up making everybody angry.  Firstly, Sophie has arranged a “get together” dinner for me but sad to say, I have forgotten that “No Doubt” concert is tomorrow as well.  I can tell that she is very angry.  She told me that she hoped the concert is worth it.  Damn me.  Damn her.

And Lionel said that my status report is too rough on him.  I just said that in the future, the Function Team better make up their own mind on what to fix.  That is it.

And Aurore is not happy the way I address the issue regard on knowledge transfer.  Well, I wanted more support and they never give it to me.  I have to do it, you know.

Still waiting desperately for JP’s letter.  Just an answer, yes or no.  As simple as that.  My mind really hurts and I cannot focus at all.

Guess what?  I have forgotten my Mum’s birthday on the 16th.  It was yesterday.  I think I have really hurt her.  I am sure my Dad and Sister suffer because of my forgetfulness.

Oh god, what has happened to me?  At least I become in good term with Mohamed again, which is good.

Diary From the Attic

Paris is Charming at Night

Woke up late this afternoon, as expected Grace had left a phone message for me.  Went out to a café shop and as usual, ordered a cup of tea and a piece of cake.  The waitress was so nice to me and she gave me another little piece of cake.  How nice!  Just outside CNIT, a girl sold me one drawing that according to her, it is drawn by someone from the art school.  Actually I was heading for the FNAC and I just remember that I didn’t go there at all.

Grace called me out and I reach her hotel at 7:30.  One of them was watching a show so I waited in Grace’s room.  Her room was a mess.  Real mess.

And four of us dined in an Indian restaurant (nice romantic restaurant) and Grace and I ended up walking to the Louvre.  Paris is so charming at night.

Diary From the Attic

A Politic of Suspicion

Yesterday was Friday and I had a good heart to heart chat with Mohamed.  What interested me was why he has to keep a distance to me.  I think that guy is too suspicious of what is around him.  I agreed with him that Nicolas and Aurore is just getting too close and gossip too much.  I agreed with him that Claudi is a very hard person to work when he get stressed.  I guess Michel was racist to him.  That guy needs help but I just don’t know how to help him.

And I ended up eating Arabic food for supper.

Diary From the Attic

Sophie, What Have I Won Again?

Today Sophie said to me that I have won.  Win what, I asked.  Lionel has finally agreed with my Spot Advice.  The stressful thing is I am not 100% full confident about this.  But it is indeed a challenge.

I knew the BNP team was trying to get me but I was just not interested in picking up the phone.  But why? I don’t know.

And I still haven’t got JP’s letter yet. And why?

Diary From the Attic

Greeting My Boss With Whips, Chains, and Machine Gun

I found it so hard to get up this morning.  Lucky I still managed to call up Doug in his hotel and informed him Sophie’s contact number and the address.  Phew!  Really wanted to take a decent breakfast (after living in a lower life standard for such a long weekend) but I did not have the time.  In fact I was 15 minutes late.

The joke today was the SIR 505 that William and Sophie has been arguing for so long (at least 4 months) and William finally admitted that this is a bug.  So I spent two days in designing this new spot advice and in the end, after telling the Function Team that they need to test it thoroughly, i.e. all cases, they freaked out and placed the SIR to the lowest priority.

Anyway, managed to get Claude and Mohamed to involve this Spot SIR.  Should be fun, I hope.

Doug came in SocGen for a meeting and it was kind of a different mood throughout the whole SocGen Team. T hey all know that my boss was coming in and everybody was a bit tensed up.  They thought Doug would discuss about the invoices.  We joked that Sophie has got the whips and chains ready with Aurore carrying a machine gun.  But no, he talked about cemetery and how was La Defense being named.  Bizarre!  At the end of the meeting,  I showed him the coffee room and while having a coffee, he told me that if his boss knows about the real situation, his boss would definitely cancel the contract.  He is a peaceful guy I suppose and he wants a good relationship.

The Aerosmith album which was due to be out today, not today. Damn!

And I went out and had dinner with the BNP team.  How boring.  Really boring.  Cheap food and what a waste of my precious time.

Diary From the Attic

There Won’t be Any Life Form Beyond Earth

Something really goes wrong with Mohamed and he is offending everybody in the office.  Just this morning, Michel was trying to talk to Mohamed (in a very angry way I suppose) asking him why he never talked to any body.  And asked if he had done any wrong.  Finally he said that he couldn’t work in this office anymore. I really didn’t know what to say but tried to keep quiet.

Wherever I go, I seem to be able to bring joy to people around me.  Today, Aurore was laughing in tears.  But me?  I believe in joy depletion.  On the surface, I may seem very joyful but deep inside, well …

SIR progress was going so well and I am so happy.

Tonight, I went to Michel’s place for dinner.  His brother (John) and sister-in-law (Diane) was there and one of his friend (Ariane) was there too.  John is a painter and he was showing us all the photos of his great work.  Got to say that guy is artistic and we went on and on about inspiration.  They have a dog as well.  One day I may convert into a dog lover.  But one thing about dogs is, it can be very frustrating as their intelligent level is very limited.

And Ariane, that guy is unbelievable.  He is actually a PHD holder and he is now working as a geologist.  And during his university life, he was studying Martian Volcano through satellite images.  Wow!  And he believes that their will not be any life form beyond Earth.  He said that we will not be able to find any life as our perception on life.  Interesting thought.

Diary From the Attic

Saving Willie

Today, I have finished five SIRs.  Hooray!  Some of the reversal ones are just for a laugh.  Mohamed has been very quiet and unfriendly these few days.  People say that he is afraid of losing his jobs because of all the new people coming in.  I mean, he has known so much that he will not be replaced anyway.  Poor guy.

In the meanwhile, I get really closed to Michel, Mr. VP and Willie.  Felt very good today as I have sent one long message trying to protect Willie from being bullied by Noubi.  Aurore agreed with me and that is the most important thing.

Got the U2 album tonight.  What a long waiting.

Diary From the Attic

From 4 to 4

Slept at 4 am and got up at 4 pm.  What a life!  I think I am getting very obsessed with my new short story.  I planned to go WH Smiths today but never managed to get up.  What a waste.

Had a big dinner at TGI Friday’s.  Nothing else.  Out.

Diary From the Attic

Zero SIR is a Dream

Yesterday was Friday and I have totally forgotten that. I even asked Willie do French people say to each other “Bon Weekend” even on Thursday.

Stayed kind of quite late in the office and had a good chat with Aurore regarding on the project matters.  Man, I feel good when the number of SIR is approaching zero.  I am free!  I am free!

Saturday morning, always the same.  Actually planned to wake up early to do some shopping for my coming trip next weekend but I failed to do so.  I ended up doing shopping starting from 4 pm, which was definitely not enough as all the shops close at 7 pm.  But I managed to get my sport gear and some nice casual wears.  Got to say shopping without looking very much at the price tags made me feel good.  Just charge in.

And composed a letter for JP.  Most probably that will put an end to our relationship.  I don’t know what I am doing at all but I guess that is for our own good.  Right devoted myself in writing a short story.

Diary From the Attic

No Luck with Girls

Sometimes I wonder whether I shall carry on with my relationship with JP.  Now, I really can’t see what the future like.  Maybe it’s time for me to call it off (rather than a divorce later on).  I have been so faithful when I am in Paris and she does not give me a sense of security at all.  Never once I threaten to leave her.  I have been a passive lover for too long. Far too long.  Maybe I am fated to be one loner.

Had an argument with Aurore.  Really shouldn’t have done that.  I am sure I have hurt her feeling.  I tried to make it up during the lunch time but the damage has been done.  What happen to me nowadays.  I pissed everybody off all of a sudden.  Self control, okay?