Photography Travel Blog

So Many Boats, In The Beautiful Island of Mallorca (Majorca)

Cynthia and I in Mallorca

If you are one of the handful of readers who follow this Sunday series, you probably wonder, where am I in the photos?  I am often not that keen to go in front of the camera.  Happy to stay behind the viewfinder instead.  And all of a sudden, in day 11, I put my tripod into action.  A bit late I know.  But better then never, eh?

Interestingly, out of this handful of readers who often drop a comment or two at my site (thank you!), one is traveling from Singapore to Hong Kong for holiday, with his wife.  And another one is traveling from Hong Kong to Singapore for holiday, also with his wife.  Well, bros, take some good photos and have a good family outing.  I look forward to seeing your photo albums!

Mallorca, or Majorca in English, is a beautiful island.  The beach, the boats, the blue sky, the lake, and the mountains.  It is a perfect destination for the cyclists too.  No wonder Mallorca is such a popular vocation destination for the Europeans.  To read more about our road trip in Mallorca.

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Photography Travel Blog

Traveling To The Beach Resort Island, A Prelude to Mallorca

A view near the hotel Mar Azul

The color of this photo is taken straight from my camera, a faithful reproduction of the beautiful sea view that we saw.  I have been contemplating if I shall combine the day 10 and 11 entries into one as I didn’t manage to take many photos that day, for circumstances that you will read later.  But since day 11 and 12 – the last 2 entries of the series – are pretty heavy with some real good contents (I promise), I shall leave day 10 entry as it is – like a prelude.  A bit light on the photo album (sorry!).  The journal, nevertheless, is as meaty as ever (kekeke).

As such, below are the options you may wish to read more about our first day in Mallorca.

To read the rest of the travel blog entries, please follow this tag.

Photography Travel Blog

Madrid, It’s Madrid!

Cynthia on the top of a Cathedral in Madrid

Recently, I met up with one reader of my website, for a movie by an actress we both adore.  And he brought along with him a photo album of his recent overseas trip, shot using the camera that I recommended.  He had some questions in mind but I am far from being a pro.  Nevertheless, I was happy to share my experience with him.

I enjoy seeing a photo album of family and friends.  That is what I love to do; and that is what I love to see.  Specifically, I enjoy seeing the connection between the subjects and the photographer.  Personally, I find it hard to photograph subjects that I cannot relate.  Back to my new friend, we had such a good time.  He is a bright young man with great drive.  Certainly someone with a promising future.

Time flies.  Since when it doesn’t?  Some friends of mine start to ask, “How many more days to go?”.  Each Sunday, I publish a mini article on one day of my recent holiday trip to Spain.  Each article takes me any time between 8 hours to 16 hours to complete.  It must be quite an effort to follow this mini series of mine, as much as the effort I pour into each article.  The answer is: three more days to go.  And I am looking forward to the 26th of September, whereby I will take a break from the 12 weekends of non-stop publication of this travel blog.

Day 9, we toured Madrid.  You know how some days you pick up your camera and feel that every shot you make is just great.  Some days, you keep trying for different settings and still not quite getting it.  Day 9 turns out to be quite a challenging day for me.  Maybe the sun was too strong.  Maybe I was messing around with the flash setting trying to do something different.  I thank Cynthia for being so patience, standing under the sun for those multiple shots of the same pose, same scene.  Till her nose bled.

As always, below are the options you may wish to read more about our trip.

To read the rest of the travel blog entries, please follow this tag.

Photography Travel Blog

A Museum Crawling Day In The City Of Madrid

Inside the Queen Sofia Museum

Throughout this series thus far, you have seen pictures of the Churches and the monuments, of the road trips, and even those of the bizarre creatures and the futuristic buildings from Valencia.  On the 8th days, we dedicated the entire Sunday touring museums in Madrid.

Cynthia and I love to spend time inside a museum.  I reckon if we spend enough time inside museums, we could sharpen our sense of art appreciation.  I am not sure how museums are run in Singapore (perhaps we shall explore).  In Spain, Audio Guide rental services are provided.  We think Audio Guide is a wonderful innovation.  It is a headset that comes with a keypad.  At a given location, observe the numeric label besides the artwork, punch in the numbers, and listen to the commentary playback through the headset in the language of your choice.  We have learned how to appreciate cubism and realism.  And we have also learned what questions to ask when admiring art models in 3D.

As always, below are the options you may wish to read more about our trip.

To read the rest of the travel blog entries, please follow this tag.


¿Qué Hiciste Ayer, Qué Ha Hecho Esta Semana?

OK.  Forget about plan A and B.  I am running out of time.  Plan C is to semi-cheat (it is semi because I have actually worked for this).  When our teacher momentarily leaves the classroom tomorrow, I will quickly pull out my phone and hit this page.  Ah ha!  That will most likely help me with some of the exam questions.  I am done with the verb conjugation.  I am done with the long list of nouns and adjectives.  I got wind on what the written and oral questions are going to be (thank you PK and Monster!).  And if I have to spend the entire evening getting prepared for these questions, so be it!

80 words on either “what did you do yesterday” or “what have you done this week”.  Life is not fair.  At this very moment while I am still struggling with the preparation, Cynthia is already fast asleep.  She probably has not set the alarm clock for tomorrow morning.  As for me, I will get up early to continue with my study.

First question is “what did you do yesterday?”.  Well, I woke up, showered, had breakfast, and went to work.  I worked  in front of a computer.  I ate lunch alone, studied Spanish over Starbucks coffee, and then I met up with my friend Ken later in the afternoon over a cup of tea (real story … ha ha ha).  After which, I had dinner with my family at home, studied Spanish, and slept at 12 (which may still happen if I type faster now).

Me levanté a las siete menos cuarto de la mañana.  Me duché después yo desayuné los cereales y bebí un café con leche.  A las ocho salí a trabajar.

Trabajé en la oficina enfrente del ordenador.  A las doce, comí en “PoMo” solo.  Después fui a Starbucks, bebí un café y estudié español.

Ayer por la tarde, quedé mi amigo Ken.  Nosotros tomamos té con limon.  A las cinco, volví a mi oficina y trabaje un poco.  Después volví a mi casa, cené con mi familiar.  Luego estudié español y escuché la radio estación Europa FM.

A las doce por la noche, dormí.

I think I overdid a bit and have exceeded the 80 words requirement.  Next one – what have you done this week – I struggled to meet 80 words.  So what have I done this week?  I have studied Spanish everywhere I go, listened to Spanish radio channel, spent time in Facebook, and worked 5 days a week.  No movie, no shopping, no exercise, just study Spansih.

Esta semana, he estudiado español en mi casa y mi oficina.

He escuchado la radio estación Europa FM y he escrito en Facebook todos los días.  Pues, he trabajado cinco días esta semana.

He quedado mi amigo Ken y hemos tomado té con limon.

No he visto una película, no he ido de compras, no he hecho deporte, por que he estudiado español siempre esta semana.

Oral exam is the tricky one.  I probably won’t be able to catch what the teacher asks.  My best guess is that she will ask me what I can do (¿qué cosas sabes hacer?) and what my physical and non-physical attributes are.  Well, I guess I could say that I can cook, play guitar, sing, ride a bike, and speak Spanish (hmmm).  I think I am sort of tall, sort of thin, quite good looking (ha ha ha!), and have black hair.  Personality-wise, quite funny, a little bit weird, and very *ahem* intelligent.

Sé cocinar, sé jugar la guitarra, sé cantar, sé montar en bici, y sé hablar español.

Yo creo que soy bastante divertido, un poco raro, y muy inteligente.

Estoy alto, delgado y bastante guapo. Tengo el pelo moreno.

The last oral question could be: what are the places of interest in Singapore?  Right, what are the places of interest in Singapore?!  I hope before 1 pm tomorrow, I will figure that one out.

Diary Linguistic

The Art Of Conjugation (Be Back After Our Spanish Exam!)

The art of Spanish conjugation

How time flies.  Just about a year ago we have started learning a new language.  That was before I have started my photography hobby.  And it seems that I have been taking photos for ages.  Getting things into rhythm does have its merits.  Before I knew it, I have clocked in 80 hours of Spanish lessons; before I knew it, I have taken 15,038 photos using my dSLR camera.  Who knows what I would become 12 years from the day I have got these things in rhythm?  (I have this theory that all good hobbies take 12 years to mature into something decent.)

Onto what I termed as “Season 2” of our Spanish class, it gets a lot harder than the previous “season”.  First, is the conjugation of verbs.  The picture above illustrates the two verbs – to want and to come – in three tenses (present, past, and present perfect) for different persons (I, you, he, and etc.).  The variation is mind blowing.  The extensive irregularity across common verbs makes it harder for me to perform pattern memorization.

Besides conjugation of verbs, for this “season”, we have a whole bunch of nouns to memorize (and we have to be able to tell which one is masculine and which one is feminine), a whole bunch of adjectives to memorize (in both masculine and feminine forms), and on top of that, forming sentences and dialogues.  At times, it seems like brutal memorization is the only feasible way to go, for me that is.

Over dinner, I have had some sharing of experience with Cynthia and her mother from Indonesia on how we learned Chinese in Hong Kong, during my time.  There was much brutal memorization on Chinese characters, poems and ancient documents, idioms, and etc.  I remember during examinations, we had to reproduce the entire poems and ancient documents accurately and strictly from our memories.  Looking back, how did we do that?  That was a lot of Chinese writings to memorize, word-by-word.  But we did it just fine back then, most of us.  And as a hobby, believe it or not, I chose to memorize extra pieces of poems that were not in scope.  There is so much wisdom and value compass embedded inside these ancient works.  It is hard to extract them if we don’t internalize them the hard way.

Back to our Spanish examination, it will be this coming Saturday.  Wish us luck!  I have just completed one round of revision and we have tomorrow evening and Saturday morning to do the round 2 and 3.  If all go well, “Season 3” will begin next Tuesday.  I suspect that the difficulty level will ramp up quite a bit.  However, since the entire class is determined to move onto the next level, I guess I just have to see how far I can get.

¡Hasta luego!

Photography Travel Blog

On The 7th Day, We Toured The Toledo

Cynthia, and the Street of Madrid

I would never forget the exhilarating experience of driving in the narrow sloppy streets of Toledo with a left-hand manual car.  Some of which I could not quite figure out the one-way road direction.  Another time, we drove into a dead end only to reverse all the way out to the road junction as the street was way too narrow to U-turn.  Overall, it was an interesting experience.  We just have to do it the hard way.

On the seventh day, we toured the Toledo.  And on the seventh day, we drove into the heart of Spain, Madrid.  Below are the options you may wish to read more about our road trip.

To read the rest of the travel blog entries, please follow this tag.

Photography Travel Blog

Jellyfish Is Called Medusa In Spanish, Out Of Valencia And Into Toledo

Inside a Marine Center in Valencia

This post is dedicated to the loyal followers of this Spain holiday series and to those few of you who constantly ask me if the photos are coming out any time soon and drop some comments here.  It is your anticipation that keeps me going.  Thank you.  At the end of this series, we may have a 15,000 words journal completed with 600 photos.  All because of you!

Day 6, we have approached the midway point of our journal.  Of all the episodes, I look forward to the photo album of this one the most.  It is because the subjects are so different from the rest of what we have.  The structures in the “City of Art and Science” are so futuristic, so unexpected of.  I wish I had more time to tour this part of Valencia.

As usual, below are the options you may wish to read more about our road trip.

  • A photo collection for day 6 of our trip to Spain (39 photos with captions)
  • A journal written in details on what we did and more (approx 1,800 words)
  • A highlight of the photos below (8 photos – and for Facebook readers, please view the original post)

To read the rest of the travel blog entries, please follow this tag.

Photography Travel Blog

Taking The Driver Seat For Our Valencia City Tour

Jesus on a Cross, inside the Cathedral of Valencia

I wonder if by now you may think that I am converting my personal website into some kind travel blog site.  Well, I am not.  Just a phase I am in.  I am still a raro (weirdo in English) and those out-of-the-world posts will return, I promise.  In fact, this weekend, I have been very much distracted by my songwriting activity.  I planned to squeeze in some time to do some home recording before Cynthia & Co. return from Hong Kong.  That didn’t happen.  I need a longer weekend.  A much longer weekend.

As you may have read my travel  journal, insofar I had been taking a back seat on this holiday to Spain in June.  Men are hopelessly lazy in nature.  That’s why we need our significant halves.  On day 5, my action oriented nature kicked in.  And so I took a more proactive approach to decide where we should go.  Taking the driver seat so as to speak – both figuratively and literally.

Speaking of driver seat, when I was in Valencia, I thought driving inside the city was crazy.  And in our next destination, it went even crazier.  But I am ahead of time here.  As usual, below are the options you may wish to read more about our road trip.

  • A photo collection for day 5 of our trip to Spain (63 photos with captions)
  • A journal written in details on what we did and more (approx 2,000 words)
  • A highlight of the photos below (10 photos – and for Facebook readers, please view the original post)

To read the rest of the travel blog entries, please follow this tag.

Photography Travel Blog

A Road Trip To Valencia

The Beautiful Peñíscola

“You always like to do it the hard way” – I get that a lot from the people around me.  I have no idea how the hard way always find its way to me.  But I think, rewards are earned, not being handed over.

For the record, I don’t seek out the hard way.  I would prefer to take a train from one city to another, and then take an excursion trip like what we did in Montserrat.  But Cynthia wanted to experience what a road trip would be like in Spain.  And so, we rented a car in Barcelona, passing the beautiful coastal towns of Tarragona and Peñíscola, before reaching Valencia.

As usual, below are the options you may wish to read more about our road trip.

  • A photo collection for day 4 of our trip to Spain (38 photos with captions)
  • A journal written in details on what we did and more (approx 2,000 words)
  • A highlight of the photos below (8 photos – and for Facebook readers, please view the original post)

Talking about the hard way, I have not eaten since I woke up.  Eight hours I have spent on this entry.  Time to have a real good meal before watching the F1 broadcast at eight!

To read the rest of the travel blog entries, please follow this tag.