How time flies. Back in December last year I chanced upon a new hilarious game called Sam & Max and till today, set aside the fact that I have fun with all the 6 episodes, I still find the business model pretty intriguing.
Traditionally, gaming companies spend months if not years to develop a title and yet even if the title has become a hit, there are still people out there playing the pirated version not willing pay the full price. Online gaming subscription model works well for a particular gaming genre but not for all. What Telltale Games does is to break down this adventure game Sam & Max into monthly installments and to apply a subscription model in order to bring in revenue as the game is developed. Hence, for the end users, instead of getting the entire season 1 that is worth 20 to 30 gaming hours in one go, monthly episodes are downloaded into the users’ computers. Because there is a need to authenticate the electronic copy with the Telltale Games’s server, piracy is minimized. This model makes the cash flow statement looks good too. And meanwhile, game developers can gather the incremental feedback from the public to fine tune the game. That’s why I feel that this business model is intriguing.
As for this episode, I think it is a good round up of the entire season. The 5th episode scores high on originality; the 4th episode scores high on humor; while the 3rd episode scores high on dialogues, the 2nd episode scores high on fun factor. This last episode reminds me of the very 1st episode when I was first exposed to the game (come to think of it, Max did have his body “separated” in both the first and last episode). At one point while playing this last episode I was dead stuck. But I guess perseverance did pay off.
For those who have bought the entire season upfront, we will be receiving the DVD version of the game plus the extras for free (excluding shipping charge). I know at least 3 of my friends have bought the 1st episode after reading my blog. Good news is you will be able to download the entire season for USD 26.
To round up this blog, I would like to quote one of the random conversations between Sam and Max. The humor does seems to come directly from the development team.
Sam: What do you feel like doing once we wrap up this case?
Max: Take a vocation! Seems like we’ve been working for the past seven months straight!
Related Links and Blogs: Official Site of Telltale Games, Sam & Max Episode 6 – Bright Side Of The Moon (End Of Season 1), Sam & Max Episode 5 – Reality 2.0, Sam & Max Episode 4 – Abe Lincoln Must Die!, My 3rd Contribution to YouTube for Sam & Max Episode 3 – The Mole, The Mob, And The Meatball, Sam & Max: Episode 2 – Situation Comedy, Sam & Max: Episode 1 – Culture Shock, Sam & Max at Wikipedia