For Love shall bath herself in the pool of misery. The Devil shall show its face. No pyramid shall stand in this red storm from the north. Or the sand storm in the desert. Let the pyramids be sunk into the heart of the dryness. There will be no angel and no chorus in the sky. The sun burns so fiercely. And no creature, with heart and blood, shall live in its darkness. Watch out for the army of Devil.
If Love shall purify herself with her grand sacrifice. With the mouths of the monsters open wide. Ready to swallow the dreams of the universe. The music will continue. As Love jumps into the heat of the volcano. Or shall Love be embraced by the raging ocean? With the lonely lighthouse as the only witness?
Ding, ding, ding. The bell of hell rings. If Love shall crucify herself, what can the angels tell? Fire of the burning hell. The marriage of Love to Death. And Death will turn Love, into bone and dust. Rape, as it seems. Taste the virgin blood of Love. And God shall sleep, as He always does. Indifferent to the act of the evil. Indifferent to the cry of Love. Love survived the curse of the Pandora Box, why can’t she survive this time?
As the Devil feasts on Love. Consuming the dreams of the universe. The Devil laughs so ugly. Hell stinks so bad. As they dissipate the last energy of God’s angel, as they raise those innocent eyeballs up in the air. And they turn Love into a horrid skull. Dancing round the fire they dance and dance. Screaming those curses they linger in the sky. Not a chance. Not a chance.
And this shall engrave on the tombstone of Love.