
Decrypt DVD

Rip Video Clips - Step 1

First, you will need to check if your DVD is copyright protected.  All you need to do is to open up your File Explorer, navigate to the DVD drive, and click onto the VIDEO_TS directory.  Double click onto any file with the VOB extension.  If your DVD player opens up and plays the video, it is not copyright protected.  Otherwise, you will see an error message.

Since decrypting a DVD is an illegal act, I am hesitant to put down a link here for download.  You can easily google and download the free-of-charge software application with the keywords “dvd decrypter”.  Or you can try Wikipedia.

It is very easy to use the DVD decrypter application. All you need to do is to indicate where the source is (i.e. the DVD drive that contains your DVD) and where the destination will be (i.e. somewhere in your file system).  With one click, the application will crack the DVD, together with region restriction if any, and copy the content into your hard-disk.  In view of this, please make sure that you have enough disk space.

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