
Nokia Application Review: August ’09

The OVI Store

If you are a Nokia user (or considering to be one) looking for some inspirations on which application to download from the Nokia OVI Store and external sites, you have come to the right place.  Some are free, some are not.  As of the time of writing, if you are using a N97 like I do, there are more than 1,200 items in the Nokia OVI Store for you to choose from.  350+ of them are in the application category.  The OVI Store is certainly growing fast.  I monitor that closely and I do see new applications added frequently.

With so many to choose from, some are pre-installed in your phone, where should you start?  Well, I have hand picked 21 applications that I have tried – some are on a daily basis – and wish to share my thoughts with you.  I am keen to hear from you too.  Keep the comments coming!

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