

Remember, the 5 simple steps in ripping your favorite video clips from the DVDs that you own are as follows.

Rip Video Clips Overview

Your DVD may or may not need to be decrypted. Do whatever you need to and the next step is to run through the VBO files in order to visually locate where your favorite video clips are.

DVD Format Illustration

And use SUPER to convert only those huge VOB files you need into a format that your video editing software application can work with. As illustrated below, you should end up with a bunch of MP2 files and have a pretty good idea of where your favorite video clips are located (marked as red).

Convert DVD Illustration

You next task is to manually extract the chapters or video clips as illustrated in red using a video editing software application. While you are at it, feel free to name the tracks accordingly.

Convert DVD Illustration

MP2 format is way too big for your portable device. You have to reduce the aspect ratio, which is fine because the screen size of your device should be a lot smaller than normal TV, as well as use a better compression format such as MP4.

Convert DVD Illustration

As simple as that, you have all your favorite tracks ready to be viewed anytime, anywhere!

I hope you enjoy reading this article. Please feel free to leave any feedback or question at the overview page.

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