Ever since I changed the blog engine not too long ago, every night I painstakingly convert one blog entry after another. Then I stumbled on stuffs that I wrote 10 years ago and I got goose bumps all over my body. Tempting not to convert those old articles into blog entries but I think, perhaps what I write today will read silly 10 years from now anyway. So I park these old entries in the category of From The Attic. Back in those days, I kept an email group of friends and family and I broadcast my materials regularly, and I received feedback regularly. From The Attic is a tiny potion of what I was used to have (imagine the amount of goose bumps I would have … I could die from it). Looking back, I am amazed in how Internet has changed our lives. The self-managed email group is out, friendly and anonymous traffic are in.
And it was the malicious anonymous traffic that brought down my previous site. I am still in the mist of converting my entries. As you can see from the bar above, after staying till wee hours every night (last night I worked till 5am), it is now 31% complete. Still quite a way to go. I need to go through each entry and manually change all the links, upload all the images into the designated directories at the server, re-size some of the over-sized ones to fit the standard template, and etc. After which, I will think of what to do with some of the timeless entries (a technical term by WordPress to indicate that nature of the entry that is different from the time sensitive blogs, not that they are literally timeless). Perhaps I will put them as pages. Stay tuned.