I so tried not to play World of Warcraft. In fact, I so wanted not to. Wierd as it may sound, today is the day I wish my wife was in town so we could go out for movie or something … but she is overseas right now. In the afternoon, I messaged TK asking if he was free for dinner and movie. At first TK said yes and I was so prepared to go out and have some fun. In the end, TK needed to work so the evening was cancelled.
And first time for a long time, I resumed the recording of my music and guess what? My computer just refused to work. Damn it! I have tried for 2 hours and could just record one song.
What is wrong today? So I ended up playing World of Warcraft … I so tried …
2 replies on “I So Tried …”
Nice to hear that you at least gave a try! Honestly, you make me quite worry about you being so keen in ‘living’ in the World of Warcraft instead of your ‘real’ world. Your doubt on how real is the world that we are living as compared to heaven also makes me a bit concern… Based on the facts, you can in no way deny that the WoW is a virtual world. Yes, from there, you can have a lot of fun and you may derive a lot of philosophies. However, with the fact that you are just sitting in front of the computer when playing, with the fact that you can quit the game at any time you wish, with the fact that you can die many times in the game, with the fact that you will be off the world if I pull off the plug, with the fact that you actually need to go to work, interact with your own friends, take care of your family,…, you should BELIEVE that you actually in your OWN WORLD, not the WoW which was a software bought from outside. Of course, you can say that we are just the ‘characters’ inside the game played by heaven, just like the people inside the WoW. However, for characters inside WoW, WoW is their world and you are just controlling them. And you? You are the people in this world, and who knows who is/are ‘controlling’ us. Whether there is a controlling power on us is another topic which can be discussed later, but the truth is: You are still the people here in the world and you should play your part well here, not in WoW… Honestly, with the religious background, I don’t think you should doubt that this earthly world is not real compares to heaven. God sent his beloved Son to this earthly world to rescue us. This earthly world is His beloved land and the people there is His beloved children. That’s why He send his beloved Son to help the people here out. If you believe the stories of Jesus and believed that Jesus had died for us in this world, I think you should in no way have this kind of doubt. Earthly world and heaven are two pieces of land, may be in different timeline or space. I am not sure. But the importance is that: We should live to our best in this world, in the space that He arranges for us, not in the space that was invented by human… Let’s give a second thought on all these… So, don’t give up! Keep trying! Your wife and friends will be available next time! It’s just part of life, man~! If they are not available, let’s Sis come and visit you instead! Hahaha!
You surely can write! Well, that comparison was drawn when my friend and I was having coffee break and we were discussing my recent obsession. The more he told me how unreal all the things are inside this virtual world of mine – money, status, friends – the more I am triggered to feel that perhaps this world of ours are not so real too because all people do are just accumulating wealth that cannot be brought into the After Life – if you so believe in it. When I was question what the purpose is in my virtual world, I begin to question what our purpose is in this real world. Deep huh?