Snippet of My Life

Snippet Of My Life Episode 3 – $0.50

A genuine smile dissolves the deepest frown. Try it wherever you can. Think of something happy when you smile. To whoever you meet.

Time to buy my favorite gaming magazine from my favorite news-stand near Cynthia’s office. The news-stand assistance and I smiled at each other from afar. Like long lost friend. I pulled out the magazine from the box. Price tag said $7. He said $7. I jerked backward so sudden that he jerked backward too and laughed.

“$7?! You always give me a discount!” I said with a big smile not sure why I said these words in the first place. Oscar winning performance on my part.

$6.50 he charged me. Simple as that. My ERP going home was somewhat covered.

Met my good old friend SW for two games of pool (0-2, I lost). Haven’t seen him for half a year. Over the pool table, a thought came into my mind. Then a vision followed. Job search is like playing pool. Except when start, besides the white ball, there are no colored balls visible on the pool table. And the table is exceptionally large. But you know there are plenty of balls on the table. Jobs are everywhere. You just cannot see them.

Then you spend a lot of time shooting the white ball in different directions. You spend a lot of time not shooting and ponder why no colored balls are visible instead. And you spend a lot of time doing nothing because you are bored of shooting air.

Just when you want to shoot darts instead, your supposed last shot hit an invisible ball and it turns visible. The visible ball hits some other neighboring invisible balls and they too become visible. Suddenly you have more targets on the pool table. Some take forever to roll towards a pocket. And some disappear on the way to the pocket.

Pretty much like in real life, SW shot multiple balls into the pockets one after another and so did I (out of the extraordinary), in this pool of visible and invisible job opportunities, there are days when you can hardly breath just preparing for interviews.

The search continues. And I have less than 50 km to find my job (more will be revealed later).

Stay tuned.

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