What a wonderful long weekend of 4 days! These days after freeing myself from my gaming hobby, I suddenly have lots of free time for book reading, movie/TV/DVD watching, vocal practice, and most importantly song writing. Each year I have a soft target to achieve. That is, to write 1 song per month. That works out to be 12 songs per year. To me, song writing is a discipline pretty much like writing books. You have to keep writing to get better.
Though my fingers were all soar even with those nylon strings, I have written the 12th song of this year (lyrics below). Very satisfied with the result. Since I have the tendency to churn out more songs towards the end of the year (perhaps the whole holiday mood and emotion), I am hoping to close this year with a couple more (15 for year 2005 and year 2003 stood the highest number at 35).
Author’s note: In a lazy afternoon, I was alone at home. Sober. My fingers were soar but I have this urge to write a song. The song started off as a ballad with guitar intro but it turned into a song with higher tempo. Lyrically, I was trying to explore the fact that time does not heal everything. There are still scars that are left behind.
Scars That Left Behind
These are the days I want to let go
These are the nights that shouldn’t exist
Don’t want to know why I did the things I did to you and me and everyone else
Supersonic state of mind
Driving too fast crashing too hard
These are the things I did to you and me and everyone else
These are the wounds that can’t be healed
These are scars that left behind
Banging my head onto these doors they are closed in front of my face
Lost control to this spiral pull that sucks me into this
This black and white emptiness evaporates the meaning of it all
This black and white emptiness holds me back
I have nowhere to hide, nowhere to run to
I have no one to run to, no one to hold onto
These are the dogs that won’t let go
Throughout the night wherever I go
They bite me hard on the things I did to you and me and everyone else
Momentary lapse of reason
I should have thought before I fall
These are the things I did to you and me and everyone else
These are the days I wish to erase
These are the pain I feel everyday
These scars that left behind, every time I crash too hard
These scars that left behind, remind me the things I did …
… to you and me and everyone else, I try to look away
I have nowhere to hide, nowhere to run to
I have no one to run to, no one to hold onto
Copyright © 2006 by Wilfrid K. F. Wong. All Rights Reserved.