The one week stay in Singapore passed so fast. I remember Sunday with Sam. Monday lunch with Damien’s usual group to go East Coast. Monday night with Annie – diner, drink and movie. Tuesday lunch with Francis and Edwin and we went to East Coast again. Tuesday night was supposed to be with Francis but he cancelled the dinner (as expected) and therefore I was so tempted to call JP out but Ginger dined with me instead. Wednesday lunch with Edwin again as I needed him to drive me all the way back to Masiling to collect my parcel. In return I have to give him a good treat. Wednesday night out with Sam and his friends. Thursday lunch with Colin (and Damien tugged along) at City Hall. Dinner with Annie as I needed to buy some BBQ pork slice and floss. Friday lunch with Benny as I have to return JP’s camera.
And I left the office at 3:30pm and headed all the way to Hong Kong.
So, I am in Hong Kong. Strangely I feel that I still like Singapore. How come? And I think of her lesser and lesser. Time heals indeed.