Snippet of My Life

Snippet Of My Life Episode 10 – Of Password, Viking Game, And American Idol

Oil Painting Morphed

Cynthia’s mother is leaving, my mother is arriving.  I think I need a holiday.

We all do something stupid, in the past.  I can’t explain why the paranoid.  I mean, those are just computer files and pictures and seemingly useless stuffs now that I am looking at them.  But back then, I put a protective password to every single file, every zip file that archived a bunch of protected files.  That was madness, paranoid, and stupid. I am desperate to retrieve an old Excel file, all of a sudden.

Till now, I am still trying to crack my brain for that password.  I know it is somewhere.  I shall call a hypnotist for help.

And in this digital pile of junk, I have uncovered more than I could remember, more than I want to remember.  Documents of (failed) business venture, diary, love letters, hate letters, letters that have never been sent, countless gaming programs I attempted to create including something as absurd as a Viking game (it is actually quite a good asymmetric game from York, UK, I think) – it was supposed to be a game of me against the machine, baby! Life of a geek in solitude, used to be.

I wonder.  Where did I manage to find time to do all these?

My world was pure in the beginning.  Before I left Hong Kong, I listened to classical music most of the time.  The first English pop song I fell in love was Madonna’s “Like a Prayer”.  The first pop cassette I owned was “Like a Prayer”.  Before Cynthia came to my world, I hardly watched any TV programs. Now, I am a …

How I love to watch American Idol!  Another new season, another something to look forward to, another something to cry upon.  There are already some eye candies whom I really like.  Even that boy with altitude … I mean … gosh, where did they find these people from?  Monday, “Dirt”, Tuesday, “Heroes”, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday “American Idol”, any day, “E!”, “[V]”.  To top up the list, there are always Oprah and America’s Top Something.

TV has taken control of my life!

OK, I am still cracking my brain for that password.  Cynthia’s mother is leaving, my mother is arriving.  I think I need more PJs.

Don’t ask.

8 replies on “Snippet Of My Life Episode 10 – Of Password, Viking Game, And American Idol”

Is this season of American Idol good? Have not watched a single epi this season. Doh! If I were only in the States or back in S’pore….
HEre in Taiwan, there is a lack of English pgms and I actually don’t enjoy that.

Tigerfish – It is still too early to say if this season of AI is good. One thing for sure though is that they seem to be pretty talented this year, and some are really pleasing to the eyes too!

Fear not if your cable doesn’t play AI. Go YouTube! All the videos are there.

Wilf, I have the same problem with my passwords and PIN numbers!
I am really bad with such things so I just usually have like 2 variations.

I am so sad I STILL don’t have Starworld here. Well I basically just watch ANTM on DVD and wished I looked so hot too!

You watch Oprah ??? Should try watching Suze Orman instead – she gives good advice and inspiration on money management.

G – I know! So many pairs of id and password! But fear not, I have derived a wonderful mechanism to solve this problem. Stay tuned.

ANTM on DVD?! Now, that is new to me. Actually I found some of the models not that pretty before the make-up eh?

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