Drama Movie Reviews

So We Have Finally Watched Pitch Perfect (And It Is Good!)

It all started with one of my friends in Google+ and his YouTube sharing of Anna Kendrick’s live performance in the David Letterman show.  I remember Anna in the Twilight Saga.  I had no idea that she can perform a cappella while playing with a cup.  And she looks so socially awkward in front of the public.  Adorable!

Our dear friend TK has watched Skyfall.  I sort of regretted not attending the blogger event that showcase a full private home theater setup playing Skyfall.  In any case, Cynthia and I can watch that 007 show with no babes and gadgets later (so I’ve been told).  We really wanted to watch Pitch Perfect.  So, the three of us watched that on late Friday.

This movie lasted for 110 minutes.  I couldn’t feel that.  The story ends so soon.  I want more!  I don’t even like GLEE.  But this one is hilarious.  The core set of all-female a cappella group comprises of a team of unique characters.  All bizarre in their own ways.  One called herself Fat Amy who totally embraces her physical appearance.  A girl who looks like a man.  An uptight leader who tends to puke a big way under stress.  A rather voluptuous girl.  A co-leader with a throat problem.  A Japanese girl who whispers all the time, even when she performs.  And finally, the socially awkward Anna Kendrick.

The plot is predictable.  What makes this movie exception are the lines and the songs.  I like it that the scriptwriter has given each of the core team member an equal character development opportunity.  To quote Cynthia, “I really love this show!”  If you have the chance, check out the soundtrack too.  It is amazing what artists can do with their mouths making sound, beats, and all.  I mean, you really have to be pitch perfect in order to pull those stunts.

If you are into Spanish, Cynthia has written a post in her website.

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