Linguistic My Hobbies

Pollo A La Crema De Maíz Con El Arroz Al Vapor – Now, How About That?!

Mr. Chicken says to Ms Maze, "Let's have some rice".

Thank you for not hating my doodles.  Drawing can be very therapeutic at times.  Truth been told, though we often complain in the Spanish class that we dislike homework or deberes, I reckon we all secretly love it.  This week’s homework was to write a recipe or receta.  In fact, I looked forward to writing it as I love to cook.  Inside Facebook, my buddy Alex’s wife Shirley suggested paella; my blogger friend Tigerfish suggested fried rice (by the way, you ought to check out her site if you love cooking).  Both are great ideas and they got me thinking.  Of course, being so behind time, it has never occurred to me that I could Google a recipe in Spanish and present it in the class.  So I did it the hard way.  Armed with my passion towards Chinese cooking and my electronic dictionary inside my wireless phone, below is the recipe for Pollo A La Crema De Maíz Con El Arroz Al Vapor, or in English, Chicken in Cream Corn Served with Steamed Rice (hence the doodle).

OK.  I made quite a number of mistakes in the original version.  Our teacher Natalia has patiently corrected them for me.  ¡Gracia!

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Pollo A La Crema De Maíz Con El Arroz Al Vapor

Dificultad: Fácil
Preparación: 5 minutos
Cocción: 10 minutos
Ingredientes: 2 personas


  • 1 pechuga de pollo
  • 1 huevo
  • 1 lata de crema de maíz
  • 1 cucharadita de azúcar
  • 1 cucharada de salsa de soja
  • Un poco de harina de maíz
  • Un poco de sal
  • 30 ml de agua
  1. Cortar en cuadritos la pechuga de pollo, adobar con un poco de sal, un poco de azúcar, un poco de harina de maíz, y un poco de salsa de soja.
  2. Sofreír removiendo el pollo.
  3. A cocción, agregar la crema de maíz, el agua, el azúcar, la salsa de soja, un poco de sal, y sin parar de remover.  Dejar hervir lentamente 5 minutos a fuego lento.
  4. Agregar el huevo, cocer poco.
  5. Servir con arroz al vapor.

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Disclaimer: Please don’t take the measurements as they are.  When I cook, I often cook with feeling.  It is not at all incorrect to say that I have no clue on how much salt or sugar or etc. I use.  Oh well … sorry!  Just go with the feeling, would you?

12 replies on “Pollo A La Crema De Maíz Con El Arroz Al Vapor – Now, How About That?!”

AY – Ah, that would have worked too. Though cooking process-wise would be a little bit more complicated, I reckon. Thanks for your thought though … hehehe.

Tigerfish – Aiyo, after seeing what you post at your site, I can never figure out how to arrange the dishes so deliciously presentable on picture. So shy lah. Ha ha ha.

Oh, I “cooked” the recipe up from my memory just hours before the Spanish class. I haven’t cooked that dish for ages!

i thought the drawing looks like a corn, rice and baked chicken in a cute version. hahaha… Btw, I didn’t learn Spanish so I had to use Google Language Tools to translate your recipe. Umm umm.. sounds delicious. I can imagine just how sweet and savory the Chicken Cream Corn With Steamed Rice…
Boy, I’m hungry now!

Sharifah – Hehehe, it is one of my favorite childhood food. Very common dish in Hong Kong. Hmmm, I wonder what Google Language Tool’s result looks like ….

Try it…. it translates exactly and over the years Google Language Tool has improved. Before, the tool translates word by word literally and the sentence structure is so broken it didn’t make sense.

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