For the Geeks

The New Linksys by Cisco Media Hub – One Is Enough?

Linksys by Cisco Media Hub

As I was shaking the hands of Jaimohan, Head of Product Management (Cisco), thanking him and his team’s time in answering my (rather dumb) questions raised during the blogger event of the new product’s launch, he smiled at me and asked, “So how many are you getting?”.  OK, that’s a private joke.  Throughout the event I kept saying that I need a farm of Media Hub to organize my media files and he kept reassuring me that if one is not enough, I can add more!  Very well.  Right now, as you read this blog entry, I am writing a proposal to Jaimohan to make my dream of Media Hub farm comes true, sponsored by Cisco.  I am not asking a lot.  Perhaps 8 to start with (with hard disk please, thank you!).  That will be a 16 TB of space on top of the 4 TB I am currently having at home split between two computers.  It’s not a lot to ask for, is it?

Who reads paragraphs of words these days?  So here is what you need to know about Linksys by Cisco Media Hub in point form.

What is it?

  • It knows where all the media contents are stored in your home network.
  • It acts as a single point of media access within your home.
  • It enables you to access your home media contents securely via the Internet.
  • It can be used as a storage device and can hold up to 2 hard disks.
  • It is small and beautiful.

Uh-huh.  Tell me more.

  • You connect one of these sexy and tiny Media Hub into your home network and it will locate all the media files in your entire network.  That includes the wireless phones that are connected to your network and more.  Gasp, right?  I swear when the guys in the suite heard this, they all sat with their backs straight wondering if that picture or that video they took earlier on were being scanned by the Media Hub.  Didn’t mama teach you not to connect to stranger’s wi-fi network just because it is free?
  • Home users these day are all lost in our own digital jungles.  I have two computers, 5 internal hard disks, 3 external hard disks, a total of 4TB worth of capacity.  There are a lot, a lot of media files inside – pictures, music tracks, and video clips.  Imagine, no more prowling through the disk drives, expanding the file directories, just to locate that video clip of … Lust, Caution.
  • Think of it as a media directory of your home network.  And you can even access them when you are miles away from home, through secured Internet connectivity provided by Cisco.

What can you do with Media Hub?

  • If your TV is hooked up with your home network, you can watch the HD content stored within your home network (Community message – Say no to privacy).  Stream up to 3 separate HD signal within your home.  You can watch your family photo collection at your TV with the lovely company of your friends and families too.  Just make sure that the photos are rated PG.
  • If your audio system is hooked up with your home network, you can listen to your music collection without the need to change your CD (Note: I have 700+ CD as of 2007 and this will come in handy).
  • If  you are bored at work, your own personal collection of music and movies is just a click away provided that (1) you have Internet access and (2) your Media Hub at home is switched on.
  • If you go for an overseas holiday and wish to back up your personal photos into your home network, you can upload them to your Media Hub at home.  In fact, you can upload and download any type of files using the Media Hub as the storage device.  Think of it as your very own file server (or remote data storage).  And you can expand this storage capacity by simply adding more hard disks onto your home network.  Neat?

Is one enough?  Does it come in different color?  What’s the damage like?

  • Each Media Hub comes with a 500GB Western Digital (WD) hard disk (take my word, WD is one of the more reliable hard disks out there in the market) as well as an extra slot for an additional hard disk.  1 TB hard disk these days is pretty affordable.  And if you need to access more than 1.5 TB of media data, you can attach another storage device onto your home network and keep it switched on.  For lazy dude like me, I may go for multiple Media Hub.
  • According to the (very attractive) ladies from the Cisco sales and marketing team, Media Hub unlike other storage solution (such as NAS) is very quiet.  As an environment lover, I am happy to hear that Media Hub is designed with lower power consumption in mind too.
  • I asked if there are other colors such as orange, white, and pink.  And the friendly Jaimohan told me that after a global design initiative, all their latest products are designed with the same piano black and silver.  OK, I am starting a new business to design new stickers for these cuties.
  • S$499 for each Media Hub.  If you are willing to pay S$599, you will get a LCD as well as slots to plug in your various memory cards.

Where can I find out more?

  • You could drop me a comment here and I can follow up on your behalf.
  • Or if you are in Singapore, please drop by the new showroom at Funan DigitaLife Mall (5th floor) to experience Linksys by Cisco home networking products.  Do mention to the lovely salesperson that you heard this wonderful product from this infamous blogger who has been making all the headlines for the wrong reasons me.  I don’t have a kick-back from Cisco yet.  Maybe if more of you turn up at the showroom, my dream of a Media Hub farm sponsored by Linksys by Cisco may come true.

You know me, one picture is not enough.  I took this inside the Grand Hyatt Suite where the demo was held.

A Suite in Grand Hyatt

More News Release!

  • In Singapore, the products will be made available from 18 February 2009 onwards from the following authorized Linksys by Cisco retailers: Best Denki – Ngee Ann City and Great World City outlets, Challenger Superstore – Funan DigitaLife Mall and VivoCity outlets, Copernicus Interactive – Sim Lim Square.
  • The products will be officially launched at the IT SHOW 2009 and will thereafter be available at all authorized Linksys by Cisco retailers and value added resellers.

19 replies on “The New Linksys by Cisco Media Hub – One Is Enough?”

Hey Wilfrid, thanks for coming! It was great meeting you and glad you had a good time. 🙂


Questions – (1) Is it reliable? Linksys routers have died on me many times in the past. One printer server did not even work at all. (2) Does it support RAID? It helps if there are 2 hard disks and 1 dies, so you can still replace it and save yourself the agony of losing years of data.

I’m not sure if I want my data to be too easily accessed over the web, to be honest.

Darkspore – Great questions, thanks! Here are my attempt.

(1) I suppose the bulk of the reliability concern for this product in my opinion would be on the hard disks. Because that is where all your data lies. Media Hub comes with a 500MB Western Digital (WD) hard disk. To me, WD is the most reliable brand in the market as of now. And we pay a premium for that. At least I do. I have 1 external and 1 internal WD HDD.

(2) Yes. You can have either RAID 0 or 1. I haven’t gone into the technical details. Basically, Media Hub comes with backup tool too. So you can use it as a backup source or destination depending on how you want to configure. However, it doesn’t come with other forms of RAID (after all, it is that much we can RAID with 2 HDD). The setup is easy via the software. I have queried how it works.

(3) Having media contents at home accessible via the Internet is increasingly common. I know at least a handful of my friends who host their file server and website from home. And they have the upload Internet speed to match. The login is via Cisco secured server. Personally, I think having the flexibility to access files over the Internet from my home is really cool (and easy to setup too). Many people who has NAS have gone down that path. My entire music collection accessible wherever I go? That is pretty cool too! Wireless broadband unlimited package is getting more popular these days.


From all of us at the Cisco family, many thanks for joining the launch evening. It was great to have you around.
Our Media Hubs will hit the Singapore retail shelves soon… so it’s just a matter of time that your dream ‘Media Hub farm’ will become a reality, isn’t it? 😉

Thanks again

Chuang Shyue Chou – Yours too? Shocking. I was told that the new Linksys by Cisco dual band N router is an award winning product. I am not sure if the brand Cisco has helped. Personally I have used Netgear, which is OK. D-LINK, which I am not happy with it (unpredictable latency while I play World of Warcraft). Yet to try Linksys.

Jai – Great! Eager to see these cuties start to appear in Singapore. Best of luck with your product launch. You must be very busy promoting the Media Hub these days … ha ha ha.

That spoilt Cisco Linksys router went straight into the rubbish bin after. Oh well. What can I say? A Cisco product.

I have had some D-Link products and they were reliable for me. Then again, these were simple 100BaseT network cards. They can’t fail.

Chuang Shyue Chou – Ha ha ha. OK. I would throw it to the direction of their RMA Center and ask for a product exchange. Maybe I shall hassle their 24-hour tech support hotline too and see what they say 🙂

Darkspore – Hey, I have just checked with Linksys by Cisco. By default, the remote access function to the Media Hub is disabled. So all your … erm … media contents are safe and will not be … exposed 🙂

Not that it is your concern anyway, I am sure … ha ha ha.

Chuang Shyue Chou – Ah, you will never know! Years ago, my Canon S1IS died on me together with my Canon camcorder. I took them to the service center and although it was beyond warranty, they admitted that it was due to a chip problem and changed the motherboards for both my camera and camcorder (and the camera died again for the same reason and they also changed for free).

Cynthia’s Siemens phone died beyond the 1-for-1 exchange program and we managed to get a full refund (after wrestling with the bosses … lol).

My Samsung LCD monitor also died after the warranty period and they also fixed for free for me …

At times it is worth a try even after the warranty period expires. I think in as much as possible, these big companies always try to save the relationship than making money.

Revolution in Military Affairs! Interesting … lol.

You got to be kidding when you say WD drives are reliable. I had 2 WD Cavier drives die on me and this happened twice in 2 years.

JH – No, I am not kidding. Majority of my HDD at home are made by WD. I have had Seagate, Maxtor, etc. And they failed in batches.

Perhaps you have got a bad batch?

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