
Blogger EastCoastLife Is Giving Away A 60″ Plasma TV – Good Luck In Winning One!

I can only imagine how it would be like to watch the new season of Desperate House Flies on a 60″ plasma TV.  Meanwhile, I will have to settle for my 21″ color TV.

Good things must share, that is the theme of my website.  So fear not if you are stuck with a tiny entertainment unit like mine.  All you have to do is to follow the link provided below and stand a very good chance to win a 60″ plasma TV.  From what I read, it is not even in the market yet!  I’ve met Singapore blogger EastCoastLife in person and I can ensure you that this is no gimmick.  Her words are good, and so is her intention.  In fact, I admire her a lot – her passion to share, get connected with the Singapore blogosphere, and her drive and success.  So, what are you waiting for?

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