Snippet of My Life

Snippet Of My Life Episode 14 – Being Supportive, 500 Below, And Two Quizzes

A Quiz

To the first person who can tell me how the above picture was taken, I will cook you a very nice Cantonese meal.

A Self-Reflection

A recent insignificant episode prompted me to self-reflect: Why do I enjoy being supportive to others, especially to those who are passionate in what they do?  Random thoughts as follows.

  • Maybe I am easily excited by the good things I see and the potential of what things can be.
  • I feel touched when someone is willing to (interactively) share a slice of their private lives with me.  And to that extend, I respect that piece of privileged information.
  • How many gold medalists are there out there?  We can still add meaning and purpose to what we do, in our daily quest of bettering ourselves even though we may not be legends.
  • Whether I would have spent my time doing something other than what someone is doing neither means that I cannot relate to the passion involved, nor respect its importance to that someone.  One friend of mine loves to jog.  Day in day out he jogs.  I wish I could have his passion and he recently took home a “silver medal” for a 10km run in his age bracket.  Dude, you are my inspiration.

This little self-reflection has a part two: How shall I negatively opine against what others are passionately doing?

  • Normally I don’t, unless someone is soliciting frank opinion.  And unless I have a good intend.
  • If it is my own skeptic thought with no constructive follow-on suggestions, I will bite my tongue.  Raising doubts is easy, helping others to break through to the next level is hard.  Unless I am asking someone to give up of course.  Huh?  Why would I want to do that under normal circumstances?
  • But if I have something constructive to say, I will share with him or her.
  • And If I do care about that someone and worry that he or she may be veering to the wrong direction, I will also say it.  For example, I am blessed to have friends who keep me in check knowing how I may, for instance, be prone to obsession.  You guys rock!

Another Quiz

Has anyone realized a common theme for all the August 2008 entries?  I won’t keep you in suspense: 500 Below.

All the entries published this month are having a word count of 500 and below.  Perhaps next month, I shall aim lower.  What do you think?

Related Post: Answer to That Quiz and My Spanish Class Continues with The World of Verbs And What Not

20 replies on “Snippet Of My Life Episode 14 – Being Supportive, 500 Below, And Two Quizzes”

Ok this is tough. For quiz two, maybe it is because you are trying to communicate the same thoughts in lesser words?

I wish I’ll get the chance to sample your cooking, but I still have no idea where the place is, as of now, unless you accept eg an answer like “taken outside your home in singapore”?

Si Ying – Eh … good try! The picture was indeed taken outside my home in Singapore. However, I am interested to see if anyone know how I took this picture. I mean, doesn’t this picture looks a bit … odd?

For quiz two, I guess I have received more feedback on my posts being a bit too long for reading from the Internet. So, I have dedicated the month of August to see if I can keep it concise and bite size for the readers.

Ya it did look a bit odd, as if like you were lying on the floor to take it that sort of dimension.

Oh I did have such concerns. Sometimes after finish writing, I tried to cut down because I tend to talk abt myself too much to forget that I wanted more of to eg share the lesson of a particular event.

Si Ying – Oh, I weren’t lying on the floor to take that shot.

I thought your blog entries are of the right length. For me, I am still trying to master the art …

Oh my god, Wifrid! Have you gotten a DSLR? With Fish Eye lenses? 🙂 ermm.. I believe u were standing on the pavement shooting upwards? Lol! tell me if I am right?

As for your word count.. I think regardless of length i still enjoy reading! :0

oh~! In order to win my brother’s nice meal… let me also try try…

hmm… ok. my first try is: it was taken by a camera with wide-angle… (so that the side is a bit distorted..)

As I am pretty sure that this was taken at your carpark outside your home, my second guess is….

It was taken when you were sitting in the car THROUGH the windscreen! 😉

Tell me that I am right! Tell me that I am right! hahaha 😀

(Don’t tell me that relatives are excluded from getting the prize… hehe… 😛 )

Suety – OMG, I wish I had a DSLR?! Still waiting for you to recommend one for me!

I think Fish Eye lenses do give that sort of effect eh? Kind of expensive to get one because it is not something I can use all the time like a 85mm portrait lens.

Anyway, thanks for your support and kind words!

My guess is you either did a panoramic thing, or it’s taken from a reflection of some kind. Because there’s some distortion and blurred part, especially at the right side, it’s likely a reflection. Could be your car, because it’s black.

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