Snippet of My Life

Snippet Of My Life Episode 9 – Questions, Questions

Oil Painting Morphed

One day, a girl in front of me flip-opened her phone. Wallpaper was a picture of two girls. Two good friends perhaps. I thought it was beautiful. I wonder what if you see a guy in front has a wallpaper of two guys instead. Or three, with heads close to one another. Something wrong … with that picture?

One day, I was practicing my music, like I have done since primary school. I was suddenly inspired to classify daily non-work related, personal activities into two types. Give (type I) and take (type II). Type I activities are like cooking. Singing. Playing instruments. Writing diary. Writing stories. Blogging. Painting. Making models. Jogging. You take something from within you and give it to the environment outside of you. Type II activities are like watching TV. Reading. Surfing the net. Playing computer games. Listening to radio. This time, you take in things passively from the outside.

So, which type of activity do you usually do? In your free time?

And I think type I activities are in general therapeutic, euphoric from within. I enjoy type I activities and I think that type II is a waste of time.

Then I change my mind. Perhaps some people enjoy taking, more so than giving. One day, I was on the plane. Besides me was this super hyper kid, totally lack of manner. No “thank you” nor “please” when talking to the SIA air-hostess. What has our future become? He looked like a rich kid. His whole family looked rich.

Or maybe just because I am from the service industry, all my life, I think that was rude. Maybe his daddy thinks it’s okay. Hence, it is just a change of perspective? That explains what goes round in the world, why people behave differently? People from the front line are trained to put on a happy face all the time when facing clients doesn’t mean that everyone has to comply? Who set the rules anyway.

Year 2008. Will Israel progress towards withdrawing the troops from the Palestine settlement while Palestine will dismantle the terrorism within? Will Taiwan progress towards unifying with China now that the opposition has gained more seats than the ruling party? Will North Korea progress towards unifying with the South Korea now that the leaders are to meet the third time? High hope for the year 2008?

In Bush’s visit to Middle East, he preached about democracy. What would a king from the Middle East preach about if he does visit the West? Is democracy really the way to go?  Or it is just like the perspective on the happy faces, the giving and taking type of daily personal activities.

Year 2008. Doesn’t look pretty so far. “Subprime” is the word of the year for 2007. I wonder what will it be for year 2008.

So, what’s wrong with all these pictures.  Maybe nothing is wrong.  Maybe everything is wrong.

8 replies on “Snippet Of My Life Episode 9 – Questions, Questions”

Errr…. not necessarily agree with your (initial) definition of Give (type I) and Take (type II). And I don’t necessary agree that type II is a waste of time. Based on your definition, eating, reading, and (perhaps) meditating are type II and hence a waste of time?

Good that you’ve changed your mind.. I’m quite a bit of “time-waster” (by your initial definition), hehehe…

hmm… I am quite inspired by the idea of giving and taking but I guess there should be a balance between the two. We are too small as compared to the whole world that we can only give in our life. We need to take something in, like knowledge and people’s experience so that we can progress faster and appreciate others’ work. No one can live by just being a giver as he will be too lonely to continue giving… Without audience, without admirer, the gifted writer, artist, or musican will wither… So, give and take should always go hand in hand…

But I do agree with you about the arrogance of some of the kids… When a heart without gratefulness, without the attempt to appreciate, the world is so cold. I hope our children can be growth up with a loving and thankful heart. That would be the fundamental of having a happy life in all circumstances.

(Btw, I thought you also like to read, watch TV, and ESP. playing computer games… no? hehe… 😛 )

Cynthia – Well I guess, given a choice, I would enjoy type I activities more, and they are harder to do as well. Much easier to just passively take in things, no?

Today, I have been pondering about the reading activity. My gut feel tells me that reading is different from watching TV. There is a part inside of me to interiorize the contents and make it my own. Perhaps not that often in front of a TV. So what is reading going to be? I don’t know … still thinking.

Lora – You are right. There should be a balance. Like I replied to Cynthia’s comment, I have trouble classifying activities such as reading or like you said, acquiring knowledge. When I said “give” activities, I do not necessarily mean to give to someone. I merely mean “take something from within you and give it to the environment outside of you”. The audience is a multiplier, in my opinion. Without the audience, you can still project your internal being to the outer environment.

Oh yes, I enjoy playing computer games and at times, watch TV with Cynthia (I don’t watch TV alone). But I still think that I’d rather put the time in doing more type I activities.

Rich kids like their parents are difficult to please. Many of my clients are rich and I constantly have ridiculous demands, not just from them but from their 6 year-old kid too! Many times I want to strangle them and I probably will, one day…..

I won’t be surprised to see two guys holding hands and hugging as they stroll. Even gay teachers are accepted in Top Boys’ schools. What else is new?

Tigerfish – Oh, balance is good. It is always good to have a bit of both. What I realize is that people may have a bias towards one type of activity, that’s all 🙂

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