Action & Thriller Movie Reviews

I Watched “The Brave One” Because Of Jodie Foster

As I watched how Jodie Foster’s character Erica transformed from a radio show host into someone who sought justice with gun and bullets, I couldn’t help but to feel a strong sense of deja vu having flashbacks from the movie “The Accused (1988)” that won her the Best Actress Oscar and Golden Globe Award. The main different is, in “The Accused”, her character – a rape victim – sought justice in a lawful way.

And that is why I admire Jodie Foster so much – the ability to take on such a wide genre and yet, there is much depth in her acting. “The Brave One” though I must say is dark and at times depressing. The blood and gore due to violence and murder is enough to justify the Singapore’s NC-16 rating. The topic is disturbing as the movie attempts to explore the fear and violence in America and how some people turn to owning guns and ultimately using them. Watching how Jodie Foster’s character dealt with trauma of a thug attack leaving her critically wounded and her fiance dead was enough to draw me deep into this pool of sadness. And watching how her character sought justice outside the law made me wished that she did the otherwise. This shows how engaging Jodie Foster’s acting is, at least to me.

From the storyline point of view, I must confess that part of it seems a bit far fetched and it is by and large predictable. That aside, I think it is a complex movie to film – both in terms of character development as well as how the scenes are composed. It is one hell of a disturbing and dark movie to watch. Be warned. On our way home after the movie, Cynthia turned to ask me why I was so quiet. For one, I just couldn’t get the character Erica out of my mind. Still can’t.

3 replies on “I Watched “The Brave One” Because Of Jodie Foster”

haha, bro. We finally have one movie in common! 😛

True, I also wished her did the otherwise… I guess the violence portrayed in the film may not be too far away from truth for some areas in US. I would prefer living in a country where guns are not so available and laws are strictly observed by people. At times, human with too much freedom can be difficult to keep themselves in control, just like the stranger inside Erica…

I mentioned that the storyline is a bit too far fetched partly because all these events just can’t happen to one person at one go though I agree with you, these sort of violence could be common in US.

By the way, I found those gunshot scenes more scary than those damn zombies … ha ha ha. Must be realism at work.

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