
Four Surprises In One Day

This is possibly the shortest of my blog so far. Some mood I am in.

Ever since leaving the local website design company I had a short stint with – which I am grateful to have known a big group of friends whom we still keep in touch and meet often – my teams were usually small with just the two of us. Today, two of them whom I enjoyed working with immensely and whom I have not met nor chatted with for a long time popped me a message within 5 minutes of each other (I don’t think they know each other). At the same time, my sister in Hong Kong popped me a message saying that she has more or less decided to take up one of offers in Singapore. I think she will stay temporary at my place very soon. While all these MSN messages were flying around, a dear friend of mine who shares one of my many hobbies and his girlfriend was viewing one of the units on the same tower a few floors below me. They happen to like the place. What if, what if …

Some kinds of surprises I have in one day.

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