Ideas are dangerous. Not long ago, my band-mate Jason suggested that I shall start recording all the songs that I have written since 95 and make it a historical compilation. If I am to spend just 1 hour to record each song, that would be a 150 man-hours little project of mine. Truth been told, last night took me about 4 hours to record the first 3 songs. It is actually quite a lot of work. I need to readjust the key, drop the parts that I don’t like, rewrite the chorus, rewrite some of the lyrics so that I can, believe it or not, breath in between the sentences, and on top of that, I have to record each song in a state that at least it is pleasing to the ears.
I joked to Jason that if I am to produce songs faster than I record my own songs in this “historical compilation”, I may never get to finish this project in my lifetime.
PS. Photo taken in one of the restaurants in Orchard … a lovely picture as the wallpaper for mobile phones.
4 replies on “Gosh … This Is Gonna Take Long”
After 2 nights of recording, progress now is … 6 out of 147 … or 4%!
Yo yo wilfrid ! Finally, I am leaving a reply in your blog. Little did you know what i have been reading your blog! what a stalker ! haha.
Well, if my accounting sense is right, ceteris paribus! you should need another 196 hours! Sound likes eternity right? But you know what? you must have put in more hours than that crafting out those songs, and it is only justifiable that youspend a fraction of the hours to put commit them to a database.
Well … if I can spend 125 days (125×24 hours) playing the same online game for the last 21 months, I think I can put time in doing almost anything I want in life … hahaha. Problem is very often I am tempted to write new songs (with the home studio setup) than to spend hours trying to record old songs.
As of today … progress now is 12 out of 147 … that is 8%. I really need to speed this up a bit if I wish to have it done before 2007.