I See I Write

Ghost Whisperer (TV Series)

There are many reasons to watch Ghost Whisperer that is currently airing in our National TV. It is a story based on a young girl who is able to see and talk to dead people. I watched the show with open mind as I did not know what to expect (what I did know was the young girl is played by Jennifer Love Lewitt). It turned out that based on just the premier episode, I would give my five stars on filming, scripting, and acting in each separate category. In the realm of TV series – movies aside – Ghost Whisperer has an element of horror (it does make my heart skipped from time to time) and has an element of strong emotion. Cynthia cried five times during the premier episode and I felt the same way too.

Now of course, I have to shamelessly say that I have been a big fan of Jennifer Love Lewitt (who has a body to die for and a face to fall in love with … duh!). Catch the series and you got to see her in all the fashionable clothes as well as all sort of pajamas.

One reply on “Ghost Whisperer (TV Series)”

I missed it! Damn I wanted to catch this, but I missed it 🙁 Unfortunately Jennifer Love Hewitt has not been known as a serious actress, but more for her looks and body. Guess this series should change some perspectives, but yes she is hot!

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