Whacky Thoughts

Not Unlike High Platform Diving

I am not a big fan of sport broadcast but since young, I fall in love with high platform diving. With a high platform, the athletes are given enough time to chain the difficult moves together and yet land onto the water with the minimum amount of splash. Perfect ten is made of this.

Some argues that gifted people with talents are able to paint a picture, write a book, compose music, perform drama acts, and etc. naturally without the need of long hours of practice. Little do some knows that these gifted people devote much of their lifetime doing what they love best.

What prompted me to think of high platform diving was when I was doing recording for my new song (this is the one). It was frustrating trying to get the vocal recording right. Taking the song into pieces trying to make each piece sounds right is not unlike the moves within one high platform dive. Lots of practicing.

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