
Jacob’s Place

(That’s what I think the restaurant’s name is.)

After I have reached home from work, I have decided to rework on the new song I have written – replacing the entire bridge, shortening the chorus, and added some memorable ending pieces. Just when I was about to record the vocal track, my friend TK sms’ed me for dinner. “No movie?” I sms’ed him back. Turned out that the movie scene is still very pathetic. “So where?” I sms’ed and “Changi Village”, he replied. Contemplating between having a quick bite nearby, get back to recording as well as online gaming – and having a nice dinner with my friend, it was a no brainer decision. Besides, ever since wife not in town, it would be great to have a dinning partner.

Picked TK up and had a chance to showcase my brand new jamming recording (2 days in the making by the way). TK gave me some good comments and he was comparing to the recording I have done with months ago. Man, he has a good memory!

Jacob’s Place is a Western restaurant that serves very affordable food. I have ordered a Steak and Kidney Pie (rare in Singapore). For a price of S$18 (with salad), I would say the pie is so-so. The best is still from UK.

Facing where I sat were quite a number of blackboards. One of them displayed the follows:

Roman 8:28 – We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.

And TK was sharing me a touching story of one of his friends who has just passed away due to cancer. His friend has stopped the medication for one and a half years because the doctor told him it is no longer effective. His friend didn’t mention that to anyone and his wife married him knowing that he was fighting against the disease. Love is strong. Staring the passage from Bible, hearing the story made me reflect upon my own life.

Life is indeed very fragile.

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