Interesting, the Hit Counter for my site has increased dramatically to 1,333. Honestly I have no clue why this is the case. Could have been the results of some search engines that happened to claw onto my site. However, it seems to me that ever since I have posted one of my favourite stories – One Simple Day – all the old stories of mine somehow got read by someone (looking at the individual counter). Interesting. Looks like my audiences are pretty quiet with no comments on any of my posting. Well, I am still hoping that someone out there will appreciate my stories. After all, that is all we left behind, isn’t it?
My stupid PC just refused to function the way I wanted it to be again. So much pain and hassle associated with this PC of mine. What am I going to do with it? I can’t even get my recording done rightly. What good can it do? Why? Why must I be punished this way? Only God knows.
It was an eventful day because temptation was everywhere. Seems like the morning prayer worked somehow. Perhaps, God does exist.