Whacky Thoughts

Engaging Conversation

Have you ever wondered why the movie Before Sunrise or Before Sunset is so beautifully made? Just two people talking through the entire show.

Have you ever experienced such an engaging conversation that time seems to fly? Have you ever met someone whom is so easy to connect to? And you just wish that there is a camera taking down all the wonderful moments?

Perhaps the beauty of it all is that you are never sure if the next conversation will take place or not. Circumstance changes. People change. It is the uncertainty that makes each conversation opportunity so precious. Something to treasure of.

And why all these hassles? Because it takes two to converse. It takes two to connect. It takes two to just make it happens.

The next time it happens, remember that it could be the last. That, is an engaging conversation.

2 replies on “Engaging Conversation”

Future is furture… Sometimes, people just take time for granted… ‘see u tomorrow’, ‘talk to u later’, etc. We all say this kind of things every day. However, I agree that ‘you are never sure if the next conversation will take place or not’. When one gets older, I realize that human is so brittle. Tomorrow is tomorrow and you never know how things change the next day. Not to say we may not exist in this world, our relationship may have just changed so that the ‘normal’ conversation can no longer take place. So sad… TODAY: Say what you want to say; Do what you want to do; Be grateful for what you are now having!

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