Diary From the Attic

I Drive, I am Lost

After 5, most of the Singapore colleagues of mine fly back to Singapore leaving me and Alvin.  Of course, I would not wish to disturb Alvin as he has his girlfriend to take care of.  While for me?  Well, Lily at first thought of going to shopping with me after 5.  But I guess we all have been seeing each other very often and kind of need a break.  I really do not mind that much as I am kind of used to the idea of being alone all the time.  She is right.  Imagine very often I will just being quiet with no words to say at all.  Most of the time, Jason they all will just fill in the blanks.

So I ventured.  At first I need to fill up my tank.  Took some unconventional turns here and there and there you go, I am lost.  I wanted to visit the Subang Parade as recommended by Jason.  Following the road to the airport, I somehow managed to reach Subang Parade.  Not too fantastic.  And coming back to PJ was a pain.  I really have no idea why I ended up paying twice at the toll station and I am pretty sure that I have somehow went into KL (the V building) and very luckily, got the correct exit and home run.

Tomorrow, will see Kah Lok.  Wonder how that guy looks like.

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