Believe me, a hundred and one plans have flown over my head on how not to get myself into “Sex and the City”. In a last-ditch attempt, I asked Cynthia in all feebleness, “Shall we check out the reviews on this movie just in case?” Her response was, “It’s Sex and the City.” Cool as a cucumber, just like her.
Look, a bunch of actresses in their mid-forties (and one in fifties) is not exactly sexy; nor can I relate to New York City. I have not watched even one single episode since the season began in 1988 so I didn’t really know what to expect.
I was not surprised that the female audience inside the theater outnumbered the male species by a great mile. I was (still am) immensely annoyed that the editing of the sex scenes is so poorly done, probably due to the film censorship restriction. And I was surprised that I did enjoy watching this movie.
I need to see a therapist, to fix my manhood, today.
I often think that it is no easy task to bring a successful TV series onto the big screen. A TV episode is usually short (20 to 40 minutes each); it has a certain repetitive pattern for each episode with an overarching story that spans the entire season; each episode has a constant stream of valued entertainment throughout taking in consideration of the commercial breaks. And I often have a lot of respect for the actors and actresses in a long running TV series. Why? It is hard work and they get to practice their craft day in day out. I do admire people who work hard for their passion.
Movies, on the other hand, is a totally different ball game. The storyline does not get resolved within 20 to 40 minutes, nor it stretches to a duration of one season worth of materials. So, what is a good strategy in bringing a successful TV series onto the big screen?
In “Sex and the City”, it is more or less a movie with four love stories evolving around the four main characters. You may say that a 145 minutes long movie is a bit too long, even for the fans (in US, it is advertised as 135 minutes and I wonder why). But if you look at it as four separate stories mashed into one, I think it is about right.
The movies does watch like a long TV drama program with pockets of humor from beginning till end. The girls on screen do seem like having lots of fun with a certain female bonding that only girls can understand. At times I hanged out with a group of female friends and when I turned invisible (believe me, it is easy when you were me), it seemed as though I have stepped into a whole new world of female aura. The things that girls like to talk about and the little things they do, I am truly amazed.
Truly amazed I was as I watched this bunch of rather mature actresses still able to bring out the sexiness and strong female attributes within. Sure, for the fans, the storyline may not be as strong as what it was 10 years ago. And to glamorize the faces and bodies of what-you-see-is-what-you-get (again, these actresses are not exactly young) comes the over-the-top fashion and even a huge golden necklace the main character of Sarah Jessica Parker wears on the bed. I am OK with that, seriously. I need some occasional visual stimulation. And I think “Sex and the City” portrays the emotion of the actresses well too.
Now, since I am probably an overly sensitive hopelessly romantic new age kind of guy who incidentally loves the chick-lit genre so naturally, whatever I say is discounted by half if you are a guy reading this blog entry. Judging from the laughter I heard in the theatre by the guys behind me, I would suppose guys love “Sex and the City” too. I read that during the filming, multiple endings were shot in public due to the constant presence of the paparazzi. I wonder if these endings will be featured in the DVD. The uncensored version would be so much better to watch, in my opinion.
“Sex and the City (the TV series)” is meant to be a realistic portrayal of the sexual behavior and lifestyles of many urban Americans. Have they achieved their goals in this movie? Only girls can tell.
24 replies on “So This is Sex and the City (A Guy’s Perspective)”
Come on! It is Sex and the City! It happened way before Desperate Housewives came into the picture. And actually I do love the series. It’s a bit crazy that these women (probably approaching menopause) need so much sex. But that’s ok with me. If you want to watch the series, gimme a buzz.
Darkspore – Interesting that you brought up “Desperate Housewives”. That was what exactly on my mind after watching “Sex in the City”. Not sure if “Desperate Housewives” would still be as hot and entertaining when the main actresses enter into their forties, fifties.
Hey, since you are such a fan, you really shouldn’t miss this film. Duh! I should have given you a call and asked you to come along. Perhaps one day I can book one entire row instead of half a row right now 🙂
“I have not watched even one single episode since the season began in 1988 ”
Same here. I won’t bother with the movie. I am far more interested in Potassium-Argon dating instead! Hahahaha.
I managed to catch this movie with my girlfriends while in town cos women can relate better! It was funny and we all had a good laugh. The couple of us grew up watching the series and we had to catch the movie together this time. The series had some resemblence to our lifestyles before most of us were married. Single and partying then! Now, this movie is sort of a “reunion” in a way after such a long while. Nice!
CSC – OK, call me dumb but how does P-Ar dating connects with “Sex and the City”? I have been scratching my head for the past half and hour …
JT – Wow, I can certainly imagine the fun! Now, I don’t even want to know how does the movie resemble to the lifestyles you ladies had … ha ha ha 🙂
Actually, I do want to know!
I actually enjoyed the series much better than I did the movie. The movie is sooo over the top – the fashion, the shopping, the show of emotion, everything. In this movie, all I see was Sarah Jessica Parker (since she was the producer), not Carrie Bradshaw, and definitely not the other 3 characters.
Charlotte was made fun a bit too excessively. Miranda was too bitter and no longer funny (but she still managed to wear designer clothes even when she was angry at home). And I feel that Samantha lost the charm – she was almost forgettable. The movie also couldn’t decide how to portray Big – up to a point the actor played it awkwardly. He didn’t project the confidence he had in the TV series.
Thankfully there are a lot of funny moments and conversations, which was funnier than the series.
If you like this movie, I highly recommend watching the series. Still girl power, the fashion and lifestyle is there, but with bigger heart, more “real” emotions, and less censorship.
Nothing! Just something I was reading! Hahahah.
Cynthia – Interesting points you’ve raised. Like I said, I haven’t watched any of the TV series and hence, there is no basis for comparison.
Thanks for sharing!
Big doesn’t have much of a role to play. I agree. I thought this film is very much like a chick-lit whereby guys don’t usually have a major role too play. Just like any of the Sophie Kinsella books.
CSC – Oh gosh, why would you read about K-Ar dating?! Are you a historian or an archeologist of some sort?
Initially I thought it is some cool new dating (like guys and girls kind of dating) term. I even searched high and low in the urban dictionaries. Ha ha ha.
Oh, it’s an interest. I am very interested in history, prehistory, evolution, and more. The early peopling of the world from about a million years ago.
CSC – Cool thing! If next time I need to do research to write a sci-fi / fantasy story on prehistorical people, I will definitely contact you for ideas!
Goooooooosssssshhhhhhh when will this ever come to HCMC! Even if it does, it will be heavily censored!
(Time to go look for the DVD at my favourite haunt!)
It’s my secret wish to lead my life like Carrie Bradshaw and she introduced me to the world of Jimmy Choos and Manolo Blahniks!
The series is great, I watched it alongside my brother.
I heard Gossip Girls is good too! Check it out!
G – Hey, I read that this film is banned in Indonesia and China so maybe you will have it in HCMC. However, I strongly encourage you to get the DVD instead.
Stupid censorship, eh?
Gossip Girls? I shall check it out!
for me this film is kinda.. erm.. bland? It’s kinda unrealistic and kinda too shallow but I guess they made it up by wearing those pretty designer clothes. Oh I’m a girl, I can’t help it. =P
BTW Gossip Girl is good!! It’s about high school students but really, it’s good! The season finale disappointed me though. But nevertheless Gossip Girl is luv. Go Gossip Girl (GGG)!
Sylv – Wow … I hear so many people say so much good things about Gossip Girl. It’s time to get my hands on those series!
you have been nominated for blog awards! haha.. do you even know?
Sylv – Good Lord … I certainly had no idea! How did it happen anyway?!
haha how should i know? somebody nominated you i guess? wear that badge with pride and ask people to vote for you! 😀
Sylv – Hmmm, let me ponder upon this. Shy lah … ha ha ha.
[…] So This is Sex and the City (A Guy’s Perspective) […]
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