Jamming Session

Life Of A Rock Star Wannabe As Such (Extended Version)

(Note: What a long week! I actually fell asleep halfway typing this blog and accidentally hit the publish button. Oops. Hence the extended version.)

Last Wednesday while I was having my nice cold beer with the company of Cynthia – our bassist – the owner of the studio called me. He asked if we could postpone our jamming session for 1 hour 45 minutes. No way! By then we would not be home before one in the morning. I asked for the reason and he told me that he had a power outage and the bands just refused to leave. Now, that is new to me. If the cinema you visit has a power outage, most likely you will go for the refund and book another time slot instead. Yes?

In the end, the owner of the studio referred us to another studio that is a quarter size of what we used to have and it is entirely rundown …

(This was when I felt asleep while typing lots of junks)

… It took us a while to find it. We ventured into a part of Chinatown I have not been to. SATA? Somehow everyone excepts me know what SATA is (Singapore Anti-tuberculosis Association). And somehow, no one excepts me associates the word SATA with computer hard disks (Serial ATA – Advanced Technology Attachment that is). When we were shown where the studio room was, we could barely fit in with our guitar cases. There was a bucket underneath the air-con fan and it was one quarter filled. I wonder if Chip our drummer actually followed the rhythm of the dripping water as our beats. Kidding.

But the good thing though was that our amplifiers were really close to one another. In a way, we could somewhat hear what everybody was playing. In another way, it hurt our ear drums big time. Hobby hazard eh?

Fun time we had and we are getting tighter with our 5 songs set. Photos taken by courtesy of our guitarist’s wife-to-be … thanks Selrol! Great photos.

5 replies on “Life Of A Rock Star Wannabe As Such (Extended Version)”

Hey tigerfish. I actually fell asleep while typing this blog and accidentally published it … lol. Glad that you could still make out what it was. Yes, it was a definitely a nice time spending time in a studio – however cosy it was!

Interesting to hear that my bro can also fall asleep when writing his blog… I guess this only happen to your previous ‘night ghost’ sis in HK. hehe! 😛

hmm… have abandoned my blog for long and really hard to pick up again…

btw, I finally registered for my own website… but get stuck of how to prepare a webpage… =P

Ya … life has been busy these days and I do feel drained after a hard day of work. But I still try my best to visit the sites of my friends and try to post something. Inevitably, at times I stretch myself too much that I literally fall asleep on my keyboard 🙂

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